OM Yoga Magazine // Fueling For Fitness


Disclosure: I am part of the OM Yoga Blogger Programme. I have been provided me with a free subscription to the magazine in exchange for writing a blog post for each month. All opinions and thoughts are my own. Links/Ads for OM Yoga are affiliated referral links. See my policy page HERE for more detail.

Whilst chilling and flicking through the OM Yoga Magazine app for this month, I came across loads of great articles, this months magazine has a whole spread on the Om Yoga Show, if you're going along to the show and want to know more about whats going on, I recommend you pick up Octobers Issue! They also have lots of articles this month on 'Yoga for Sports' and this is where I came across an article by Gina Battye on Sports Nutrition.
I won't say that I'm the best person at making sure I'm fueled properly for a workout/run or yoga and if you follow me on social media, you'll know that I've mentioned I've struggled with workouts and runs due to feeling quite sluggish and having heavy legs. I put it partly down to not taking rest days in between my workouts and runs, however, I also think that nutrition is also playing a major factor in my sucky workouts.

So, What does Gina say about Sports Nutrition?
That there are five stages to eating well with regards to fitness.

1) Fuel Up
About 30-60 minutes before exercising, you should focus on eating complex carbs. This will avoid a rapid rise in glucose levels and possible insulin spikes. Aim to have foods low in fibre, fat and protein as these take a long time to digest. These foods will just sit in your stomach, can make your stomach feel heavy and can lead to cramps and possibly feeling sick.

Examples of complex carbs are: Bananas, Whole Grain Breads, Porridge/Oatmeal

2) In-Activity
HYDRATE. You will notice a massive difference in your performance when you don't hydrate(I am definitely guilty of not drinking enough water). You should refuel during exercise if the session lasts longer than 90 minutes or if a pre-exercise meal was not possible.

You need to replenish with carbs, water and electrolytes to top up what has been lost during exercise.  Isotonic drinks are great for re-hydrating such as Lucozade(I don't like it personally) and I hear that Nuun is a popular choice too. I usually just stick to plain water or a tiny bit of squash.

3) Top Up Stage
When you exercise, you use up your glycogen(energy stores). There is a 30 min window post exercise to refill these stores. Your body enables a more efficient replacement of glycogen stores during this time.

To restore the glycogen in your body eat good quality carbs and protein. This starts the repair work on your muscles.

Examples of post workout foods: Typically, people have protein shakes and protein bars. I've never used protein shakes or protein bars so I can't comment on how effective these are, but I usually reach for a Nakd Crunch bar after my workout before having a proper meal later on. Other popular choices are peanut butter and banana with rice cakes and chocolate milkshake.

4) Mend Stage
You should consume good quality proteins 90 mins to 2 hours after exercise. This ensures that the repair process for muscles continues and decreases your risk of injury. Eat a balanced and healthy meal, if possible.

If you don't eat protein after a workout, your body will breakdown other muscles in your body to help try and repair those that have been damaged. Protein helps to repair and construct new muscle tissue.

This is usually around the point where I will have my main meal(breakfast, lunch or dinner) and fit in all the necessary nutrients you need post exercise.

5) Recover Stage
This final stage takes place 48-72 hours after exercise. This is the time where Gina recommends that you consume anti oxidants. This will combat and neutralise the free radicals your body created after strenuous activity.

Examples of Anti-Oxidants: Just think Fruit and Veggies!


After reading the article, I know for sure that I'm not giving my body the correct nourishment that it needs both before, during and after exercise and it's something that I definitely need to improve on.

I can't wait to see what articles are coming out for this month. I highly recommend getting the magazine if you're into Yoga, there is SO much good information, articles and even recipes packed into the magazine!

If you're interested and you want to subscribe to the Om Yoga Magazine, you can subscribe HERE or click the ad below. Each magazine is £1.99 (bargain!) or you can get a 6 or 12 month subscription(£8.99/£16.99). The Magazine is also available to people in the US too, YAY!
OM Yoga Magazine
Question: How do you currently eat around you exercise activities? Are you nourishing yourself at all of these stages?

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