OM Yoga Magazine // Set Your Intention!


Disclosure: I am part of the OM Yoga Blogger Programme. I have been provided me with a free subscription to the magazine in exchange for writing a blog post for each month. All opinions and thoughts are my own. Links/Ads for OM Yoga are affiliated referral links. See my policy page HERE for more detail.

This months issue of OM Yoga Magazine got my pretty excited to read it. This months magazine contains a whole section about Iyengar Yoga(I've never heard of Iyengar Yoga so this was really good!) as well as articles about Anxiety and some articles about coping in the winter months leading up to Christmas.

I love the magazine and the sheer variety of articles that are included each month and the areas that are covered.
One of the articles in the magazine is 'Set Your Intention'. December 21st is the Winter Solstice. It is regarded as the heart of winter and is the longest night and shortest day in our yearly calendar. It marks the return of the longer daylight hours.

In the past, people would gather 'round the fire, or set out candles to call back the Sun. The sun is associated with the element of fire for action and the article talks about how this is the perfect time to 'shed some light on your own shady aspects, a chance to clear out your mental closet and refresh your style, ready for the year ahead.

So, that's what I did! and here's how I set my Intentions.

Consider the goals that you had for 2014. 
In all honesty, I couldn't remember a majority of my goals that I set at the beginning of the year and I had to go back to check what they were. I wanted to: 
Start ppracticingYoga and try to do: a handstand, headstand  and crows pose.
 Try to gain muscle and lose some body fat.
Drink at least 2 lts of water per day.
Eat Healthier. Reduce Sweet Treats.
Be more organised at home and at work.
Be Happy and Positive. Stress Less.
Plan More.

What happened with each? What could you have done differently?
Out of this list, I think I've only really achieved the last 3 of my goals which I suppose is better than nothing. I've been able to work on the organisation and planning in my life and I'm a lot happier and less stressed as well.

However, my health and fitness goals I've really slacked on. I mean, at the beginning of the year, I never intended on having some major surgery, that was very spur of the moment and quickly planned and therefore I never expected or planned for quite a bit set back with my goals.

You'll know if you've been reading my blog recently that I have been struggling with my weight and haven't been eating the best. I'm definitely working on that and even more so after knowing about Winter Solstice and wanting to make a positive change before the new year!

What are your top lessons that you've learnt this year? 
The number on the scale does not determine my self worth.
Just because the number on the scale does not determine my self worth, does not mean that its a reason to slack off.
Its OK not to be perfect, every goal does not need to be completed as long as I've made the effort and tried to do it.
I don't give myself enough credit for the hard work I've put in.

How have these helped you know yourself more? How have they transformed you?
So, the main one for me has been to stop fretting so much about the scale and the number and instead focus on myself and how I feel. I spent too long thinking that the number on the scale was the be all and end all. It really isn't.

Following on from that, since I stopped focusing on the scale as much, I seem to have become a little too relaxed and dare I say a little lazy. Especially in the winter months and its a habit I am presently trying to break as it's a sh*tty habit to have. I wasn't focusing on what I was eating properly and wasn't exercising much, only when I felt like it. This has gotten better but I'd like to have this habit kicked before the new year for a new start.

As I mentioned earlier, I haven't met some of my goals this year and probably wont be able to achieve them by the end of the year. When I thought about it, I was pretty annoyed with myself when instead I should be working on making positive changes that I can sustain into the new year. It should be enough to know that I have worked to try and achieve the goals, regardless of whether I succeeded.

Following from that, I realised that I am someone that tends to beat themselves up a lot more than I give praise to myself. It was only when I had my own sort of meditation session and sat down to really think about everything that I actually realised that I'm freakin' awesome and I need to give myself more credit!

Losing 120 lbs is no mean feat.. but yet I hardly gave myself credit for it. It was hard work and instead of praising myself, all I've done is set myself goals to make myself better rather than taking the time to congratulate myself.

For the rest of this year and the coming year ahead, I think I need to work more on balance. I need to have a balance between my goals and the things I want to achieve but also work a little more on self love, giving myself praise when I have achieved something and being less harsh when I don't.

I'm looking forward to what next year brings. Here's to an amazing 2015!


If you're interested in the article I discussed here and you want to subscribe to the Om Yoga Magazine, you can subscribe HERE or click the ad below. Each magazine is £1.99 (bargain!) or you can get a 6 or 12 month subscription(£8.99/£16.99). The Magazine is also available to people in the US too, YAY!
OM Yoga Magazine

Question: Have you achieved your goals that you set for this year?
If Yes, Amazing! Go You!
If Not, Why not use the upcoming Solstice to set your own intentions!

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