Sum It Up.. Sunday


Good Evening, Lovelies! 

We're back for another recap post, where I fill you in on all the details of my week and what I've been getting up to! This week has been pretty busy with work and plans, so some things had to sit on the back burner.
Swimming - If you follow me on social media, you'll know that my lesson this week was utter crap. Our usual teacher wasn't there this week for whatever reason and we had a substitute. The substitute was useless, she didn't talk to us or coach us for the whole 30 minute lesson, all she did was spend her time talking to the lifeguard on duty.

Needless to say, I was SO annoyed and ended up complaining to the pool manager as I'd rather not have a lesson with her again.

Running x 3 - I did 3, 3 mile runs this week. They were OK, not the best of runs. Sunday was the worst as I'd had a 3 mile run the day before and my body and legs don't respond well to a run when I've had a run the previous day.

I don't slow down and all the runs were around the same time(under 30 mins) but I just feel really pants during and after the run and it really puts me off doing another run.

Food choices were good again this week, all my main meals during the week were great and nutritious. This weekend slacked from Friday onwards. Me and Phillip went to London for Christmas shopping on Friday and food choices weren't the best, they never are when I haven't planned what or where we are going to eat. 

Everyone has their bad weeks, this week(end) was mine for food and I wasn't as on point as i usually am with my food. I will just get back on the band wagon as usual and have a great start to the week, eat healthier and clean choices. I have been drinking more water this week which is a bonus and hopefully it will have helped to clear out my system!

Plan For Next Week
My running plans this week were fine, my plans to drink more water were on point. However, like I mentioned earlier, I've been busy this week, I've had a change of plans and therefore some of my plans I set last week were scuppered.

I didn't have chance to get in any yoga or cross training this week unless you count walking since the GCC started this week and I've been doing at least 10k steps per day! But I'm pretty sure that doesn't count. 

So, my plans for last week are copied over to this week. I've no trips to London, no extra plans to stand in my way, I have no excuses! Clean eating, plenty of exercise, move more(not just running)

I will do this! It's a new week! A new start. I know some people would just decide to wait until the new year before starting new plans but I want to get a head start on my goals for 2015, so it's time to get my arse in gear!

Let's do this!


If you haven't seen, I started a Gift Guide Series that I'll be doing over the next week or two. I put up a Gift Guide for Runners last week and also a Gift Guide for Yogis this week! so go check those out if you're still looking for Christmas ideas!

Have a great week! x

Question: Are you a runner? Do you have bad runs? How do you get past them without loosing motivation?

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  1. Yes, it's hard to keep on track with healthy eating when you're out and about at weekends, I had the same problem as you. However, nice to let hair down now & then ;-) Have a good week

  2. @Helen Monger Yes, I find it very difficult to stay on track when out. Especially since my partner isn't losing weight either so its inconvenient to go to two places rather than one. :) but yes, nice to have a break every so often, just got to get back on it!

    Hope you have a great week! x


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