
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Ugh... The weeks just go from one extreme to another. I was pretty settled and doing well the week before and then I've been SO swamped this week - it's been such a relief to leave work and come home!
Cycling - Went for two bike rides this week.  I actually went on my first solo bike ride this week - usually, I go with Phillip but he has been on call this week at work and couldn't go with me so I went on my own. I was a little apprehensive, I thought it would suck to be on my own as we usually talk but it was actually OK. I put one of my earphones in(left the other out that was closest to traffic) and just pedaled away! It went really quick which was great :)

Running - As per my training schedule, I've done my 4 runs for this week, mostly on track except for 1 run - I'll be updating tomorrow with my training diary. To see all my other training posts - click HERE.

Swimming - These advanced classes don't seem to be getting any easier. I'm still struggling with endurance and I need to stop for about 30 seconds in between each lap. Booo.

We did some flipper work this week which was fun - we were working on arm technique and breathing whilst letting the flippers do all the work at getting us to the other end of the pool. The speed with the flippers actually threw me off and I was taking in a lot of pool water! I need to take a bottle of drinking water with me the next time I go to the pool.

Yoga - Yoga has been fab for me this week to help de-stress. I've been doing yoga as soon as I get home from work as it's been needed! Work has been so ridiculously busy this week, I feel like I'm overwhelmed with doing everything and I just can't wait to get home and chill out on the mat.
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Walking - I've still been averaging around 25k steps everyday - except for the horrible rainy days where it's been a little less. The GCC challenge is starting to feel like more of a chore now and then fun is wearing off - I'm hoping that the fun will come back but I'm not hopeful. It's taking alot of time out of my day to get steps up - but there's no benefit from it really - so I'm not sure how much longer I will continue to do 25k steps everyday.

Considering how stressed I've been this week, I'm actually really proud and quite impressed at not going completely AWOL with food. Since I've been so busy I haven't actually snacked that much this week. My only snacks have been fruit(strawberries and grapes in particular) and I'm stocked up on some Nakd Nibbles that I've been loving recently!

Lunches and Dinners haven't really changed much from the norm - They're always planned on a sat/sun when we do food shopping - so they're the only meals that I actually have prepped and planned for the week.

Plan For Next Week
I said I'd film a Youtube video this week.. and it was all going to plan until I transferred footage over from my camera to my PC and had corrupted files! It means that I've got to re-film as I really don't want to have snippets at one part of the day and then different lighting and such in the other. not to mention a change in outfits as I didn't have time to re-film the same day.

I'm hoping to get it filmed tomorrow edited and up by mid week as long as things all go to plan.

This week, I've noticed a massive difference in my ability to stay awake in the morning. I'm not sure what it is.. whether it's stress from work that's completely draining me or the amount of walking i'm doing, but I've been waking up at 6 am and if I even close my eyes for a few seconds - I'm back asleep and end up sleeping through some of my alarms.

I'm gonna try to be in bed for 10:30pm and hopefully be asleep by 11pm! This is quite a bit earlier than I'm used to. I'm hoping that I'll just feel tired when I get into bed and I won't be awake and laying there for ages! :/
Hopefully I can figure it out so I'm not in such a major rush in the morning!


In case you missed it, here is the blog posts I wrote this week:
Tell me, Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl?

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