
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 10


This week was another good week so I'm quite pleased! I did all my scheduled runs for this week and on the days they were planned for. BONUS! :D Let me fill you in!

Week 10 Training Schedule
3 Miles
5 Miles PACE
3 Miles
11 miles
What I Did
Swim lesson
3 Miles
5 Miles and 30 min Swim
3 miles
11 Miles
Tuesdays run was OK. My legs felt a little tired but they're easy runs, so I took it easy and just went at a slower pace. I also ran with music on this run, which was SO odd. I'm so used to running with music but I definitely need to rely on it less to get me round on a run - I actually found that running without music made me pay more attention to my breathing and that really helped. I definitely think that I'll loose the music for my shorter runs - I don;t quite think I'm ready to get rid of it for long runs though!

My 5 miler on Wednesday wasn't as fast as usual, I was feeling pretty lethargic so just decided to do what felt right and a comfortable pace. I also tried my hand at taking a running selfie on the move.. I'm not sure! I ran into a tree branch trying to take it and most of them were really blurry! Tips are appreciated! Afterwards, we went for a relaxing swim for 30 minutes before I headed to work!
I mentioned this in yesterdays recap post - but weds swims are really beginning to bug me. Swim for Fitness is not for people to come to the pool and get social! - it's for fitness.. i.e swimming - people stopping after one length to chat is just silly and they get in peoples way!

There's not an awful lot to say about Fridays run - it was a usual 3 miler - I was in a rush to get back and didn't really stop to take any pictures like I usually do about half way through - I need to try and get out of the habit of stopping during a run - I don't think it's good for my training. I'm trying to run the whole distance of my runs without stopping for anything if possible!

Theeeeen, Sunday, I had my 11 miler. I wasn't sure how this was going to go down.. or if it was going to go down at all. I usually can't find the motivation to run whilst I'm at my parents, it happened the last time I was there too.. so I was worried I wasn't going to do it.

My dad was super supportive and he even found me a route to run so that I'd just run out for 5.5 miles and back for 5.5 so I knew that I would be able to do it. The run itself was great! I ran the whole thing without stopping which is a first! I've never done 11 miles before without stopping so I was extremely proud for both going out and finishing it! I managed 11 miles in just under 2 hours which is good enough for me!
I came back to have a high protein breakfast of Nuts N More Salted Caramel PB and some Dr Zaks Protein Bread - Delicious!
I know that in a race situation, I'll be running faster than I was yesterday, so I should be on for a PB at GNR. Hopefully! If not.. no biggie. It would be awesome if I did, but the main thing is just to have fun and enjoy the atmosphere!

Week 11 Training Schedule
3 Miles
5  miles
3 Miles
12 miles
We're in the last full week before taper week! Eeeek! This week should be fairly straight forward. I've done these runs for the last couple of weeks so there's no problem there. I'm sliiiightly nervous for the 12 miler this weekend. I've never done a 12 miler before in training, I missed my 12 mile run last time I was training for a half marathon due to injury so I've never just gone out and run 12 miles.

I was slightly confused with my training as I didn't do a very long run before Run Hackney - my training had me do 6 miles the week before - so I had an almost 'half' taper the week before race day - but I guess the training plan knows why it's like there so I'm just trusting it.

Hopefully all should go OK. I'm just hoping it's not warm and it's not raining! ;) - I'll probably get one or the other though! haha

But here's hoping to a successful week of training before I get to relax next week for tapering, yay!

Question: Do you run with or without music? Why?

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