
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Happy Sunday, Everyone! I hope you're all having a great weekend.. and those in the UK are enjoying the long bank holiday weekend! 

This is going up alittle late as I almost forgot to update the post and submit it. So I hope I haven't missed anything! 
Running -  I did all four of my scheduled runs this week and all on their scheduled day too which is great! Ended up sticking exactly to plan this week. 

I'll have my GNR training diary up tomorrow for more info. If you haven't seen my other posts from the GNR series, then click HERE.

Swimming -  Swam twice again this week. One for my swim lesson on Monday which was great. We continued to focus on technique this week and also did some push offs from the wall and under the water. It was pretty difficult to do in such a shallow end of the pool but I enjoyed it none the less.

I did the same as last week, this week too. I met Phillips m in town for a 5 mile run and then we went swimming afterwards. I usually just use this as a  casual swim and do breaststroke as I find it easiest.

The pool is really bugging me lately.. or I should say the people that go to the pool. The pool is meant to be open for swim for fitness on a Wednesday morning and it seems to be full of people that would rather stop to chat every length of the pool. It's so annoying! 

Food has been OK this week. Breakfasts has mostly been yoghurt as I've not been feeling massively hungry in the mornings and only want something small. I've been having some Fage split pot yoghurt this week and they're delicious! I need to find the blueberry and the raspberry & pomegranate flavours. Im gonna take a nip to Sainsburys to see if they sell them there!
I've been continuing to have soup this week but managed to minimize my bread intake by having some broken up Ryvita Crisp Bread with my soup this week which has made a nice change.

My dinner literally hardly ever change during the week. We usually have seasoned chicken breast with rice and veggies. Sometimes swapped out for fish. I've been really enjoying runner beans for veggies lately but they only seem to be in Tesco a certain time during the year.. I didn't think they were seasonal!

Plan For Next Week
Its been a pretty eventful week this week. I've managed the two swims that I hoped for this week and my four scheduled runs for the week too so I'm pretty happy with how this week has gone.

I made a last minute decision to change what I said last week with regards to what I would do for my scheduled runs. I ended up just sticking to my plan and doing my runs in the days that they're scheduled for.

Usually, I struggle with the motivation to run whilst I'm at my parents but I just went out and got it done early and it ended up being a really good run so I'm quite happy with it!

Im now into the final week of training before taper week for GNR. We're getting down to the wire. So obviously. My priority over everything is to make sure that my runs are done this week. Get plenty of rest in between and not do anything stupid. That's the plan.

If the above happens, it's been a good week!


In case you missed it, here is the blog posts I wrote this week:
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 9
Hot Vs Cold Therapy and Compression Ft NatraCure

Question: What's your favourite veggies to eat?

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