
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 6


This weeks training was a bit of a mish mash - I feel like it's been my worst week - but at the same time, I feel like I've made progress with my training this week.. so I'm not sure!

Week 6 Training Schedule
3 Miles
4 Miles
3 Miles
5Km Race
What I Did
Swimming for an hour
3 Miles
5 Miles - 30 min Swim
2 Miles
Biking - 15.33 miles
Like I said, it's been a mish-mash this week. It all seemed to be going well at the beginning of the week and seemed to spiral towards the end of the week.

My 3 miler on Tuesday was fine, no issues - I was averaging around a 10:30min/mi pace which has become the norm for me on easy runs as it seems to be a comfortable pace for me.

On weds, I veered from the plan slightly as I met Phillips Mum in the city to run with her and I figured that doing more miles instead of less miles is completely fine. The run was freaking hard, there were alot of hills that I'm not used to running and the speed was way faster than what I'm used to, but I was happy that I was able to keep up with her the whole time.

She has a rule when she's running that her next mile has to be faster than her last. Our splits for 5 miles ended up being: 10:02, 10:44, 09:48, 09:29 and 09:26 - On the second mile, I stopped to take a picture at the bottom of a hill - so I ended up being slower for that mile - but everything was on point.
Said picture I stopped for, loved the view of the Cathedral in the background across the water.
It's been forever since I've been able to run under 10 minute miles so it was great to feel a sense of accomplishment after I'd finished, even though I was exhausted.

Friday, I was travelling up to see my parents, I was in a total rush to get everything ready and sorted for travelling after work that I had to cut my run short - It was better than skipping it all together - I actually ended up doing a pretty speedy 2 miles - which I was shocked by; 9:39 min/mi over both the miles which was great in my books!

Sunday was supposed to be a 5k race. I was originally going to do a park run on the Saturday in Preston but it was more hassle than it was worth trying to actually find out where it was - I knew it would end in an argument if we were late for it so we just decided to skip and do a normal Sunday run instead.

And well.. that didn't happen - at least for me. We had been to the cinema the night before, I ate too many sweets and I was feeling absolutely rotten the next day that I just didn't want to do it.. so I ended up skipping it and still felt horrible for the rest of the day - I think it was a good decision to skip it.

So yeah, not everything went to plan but I did see some progress in there.

Week 7 Training Schedule
3 Miles
5 miles
3 Miles
9 miles
I'm now over the half way mark in my training and I'm happy with the way things are going! We've 6 weeks until Great North Run and I'm feeling positive about being able to do it without having to walk any of it, which has become a main goal!

This week also starts the 5 milers during the week which means that I need to make sure that I'm getting up early enough to fit them in. It shouldn't be too much of a problem, I'll be meeting Phillips Mum in the city on a Wednesday from now on so I will always make sure that I get that 5 mile run done.

I'm hoping that my 9 miles on Sunday goes OK, there's no reason why it shouldn't but I really dislike long runs for some reason! For me - no run seems to be easy - so I dislike the long runs as I'm feeling uncomfortable for longer than I want to be! ;) I'm sure I'll get over it. If not, I'll just have to deal with it anyway! I've a Half Marathon to complete!

Do you like long runs? How to you make them more fun/seem like they're going quicker? Give me your tips! 

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  1. SOLID week, lady! This week is going to be awesome. :)

  2. @Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete Thank you! I hope so! :)


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