
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


I just got home from a 4 hour drive back from my parents and I didn't have time to finish up the blog post for tonight so I apologise for this going up a bit later than usual!
Running - I missed a run from training this week and there were some some tweaks made this week. I'll be updating tomorrow with my training diary, so keep your eyes peeled for that. To see all my other training posts - click HERE.

Yoga - Yoga has still been great this week. I've been enjoying spending a little time on the mat after a stressful day at work - the yoga challenge for this month with Sweaty Betty has ended and I didn't manage to find a new one to participate in. If I find one, I might catch up with the first few days, otherwise I'll just get on the mat when I feel like it :)

Walking - 
Steps has been slacking this week, I left earlier from work on Friday to travel up to my parents so I've had to go into work earlier to make up the time, so I've not had as much time to walk this week. I do need to step up my walking this week though as I'm doing a walking challenge on the Earth Miles app to try and win a challenge so I'm going all out this week!

If you didn't know.. Earth Miles is a reward based apps that gives you 'earth miles' for activities that you do which can earn you rewards like redeeming points for classes and voucher codes for different health brands, its been great so far!

Swimming -  I went to the pool twice this week which I'm really happy with. I went on Monday evening for an hour - 30 minutes before my lesson with Phillip and his mum who are training for the team Triathlon that we have upcoming(I'm doing the running part of the Tri) - after that half an hour, I had my swim lesson.

I actually had to try and get over a fear this week. My swim coach asked me to jump into the deep end of the pool. It's something I've NEVER done, it terrifies me. It took me a good 10 minutes to jump in with a float - I need to get over this fear.. so I might ask to try again when I go tomorrow!

Apart from that, the rest of the session was OK, breathing is great.. but I tend to get out of breath and tired quite easily and I thought it would pass. Hopefully it does with time! :/

I also went for an easy swim on Wednesday with Phillips Mum after a run we did that week.. but I'll get onto that with my training post tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled!

It's been SO SO this week. Eating started off fairly well and went downhill since Friday. I need to be better with food choices whilst we're travelling and whilst I'm away from home. It's far too easy to just go for options that are easy, quick and convenient and this weekend, Phillip and I have eaten far too much crap.

It's actually made me feel pretty rotten too. I need to come up with a plan for what I will do for food the next time I travel(the end of the month) so that I don't make horrid food choices.

Food at the beginning of the week was actually fairly good. I was getting in a proper breakfast, which is usually something I slack on. I need to start walking to Aldi to get salads again as of next week as I had far too much bread/sandwiches this week. I am probably having far too many carbs which isn't great so I'm gonna keep an eye on them and try to get them lower!

Plan For Next Week
I set my alarms earlier and also got up earlier most days this week but I've been feeling really crappy in the mornings. I've been feeling so tired and groggy and it's been taking me ages to wake up.

It's most likely because I got out of my routine of getting up earlier and since I'm not a morning person anyway, it's like starting from scratch all over again.  However, I need to be getting out of bed once my alarms go off rather than staying in bed for a while longer as I don't think that's helping me to wake up at all!

I still need to work on this. I'm hoping getting up and out of bed and making a coffee/tea or getting a nice cold glass of water will help me feel more awake and ready to take on the day.

This week, Phillip and I want to try and clean up our eating habits. After this weekend, our eating hasn't been the best and we want to try and eat cleaner, limit our snacking and get in some nutritious meals in again. I've been slacking on getting in my protein after a workout/exercise too, so I want to make sure I'm on top of that this week, whether that's in shake form or bars of some sort. 


In case you missed it, here is the blog posts I wrote this week:
Tell me, Whats the one thing you do in the morning to help you wake up?

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  1. Good luck with the week ahead. Well done on jumping into the pool

  2. Derrick Johnson3 August 2015 at 13:05

    Reference getting up in the mornings: Although l'm a morning person, l am tired in the mornings, but l reason with myself, that whether it's now or latter, the pain will be the same. I'm up at 4:50 Monday to Friday to go running.

  3. @Helen Monger Thanks, Honey! Hopefully I will be brave enough to do it tonight :)

  4. @Derrick Johnson Makes sense! I could never get up at 4:50 though,so well done you! 6am is my limit! ;)

  5. Derrick Johnson3 August 2015 at 20:03

    Lol. I make sure l get a good night sleep. Plus the streets are empty and less traffic.


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