
Om Yoga Magazine // Inspired Living


Disclosure: I am part of the OM Yoga Blogger Programme. I have been provided me with a free subscription to the magazine in exchange for writing a blog post for each month. All opinions and thoughts are my own. Links/Ads for OM Yoga are affiliated referral links. See my policy page HERE for more detail.

What inspires and motivates you?

Different things inspire and motivate different people. Ranging from art, music, moments you experience and even other people and their words and wisdom. It's amazing how a few select words or a sentence can have such an impact on your thinking and your activities.

One thing that has always been a massive source of inspiration and motivation in life is quotes. They're everywhere! You only have to be on Pinterest a couple of minutes to spot one. They allow people to express how they're feeling in just a sentence or a few words, they can uplift your mood and they can inspire and motivate you throughout life!

Whilst I was flipping through the Om Yoga Magazine for July/Aug -  I came across a piece called 'Inspired Living' and it contained 5 yoga quotes to inspire your journey - I'm a sucker for quotes! I have them all over the place. Pinned up on my cork board, on a post it note stuck to my monitor at work and sometimes on my phone background!

Here are my two favorites from magazine:

Both of these don't even have to be just about yoga, they sum things perfectly for all exercise.

"That's exactly how it is in yoga. The places where you have the most RESISTANCE are ACTUALLY the places that are going to be the areas of great LIBERATION" - Rodney Yee.

This not only sums up yoga for me but it resonates with running too and that's why I was so drawn to it. The struggles I have with getting into certain poses in yoga and my struggles with running and training, though they are tough and hard work now, they're going to provide such a sweet, satisfactory feeling and a real sense of accomplishment when I am able to achieve what I want and reach my goals!

Sometimes, A quote can be an answer or can shine a light on darkness and negativity that we experience.  Reading this quote made me feel more positive and has me looking forward to being able to achieve my goals.

If you're having a rough time, you're not feeling quite yourself, or maybe you need some inspiration/motivation to get out their and kick ass on a workout, reading quotes can seriously help you snap out of the funk!

The Om Yoga Magazine is packed with inspiration and motivation in every new issue that I read. They've got affirmations, articles about peoples inspiring yoga journeys and tonnes of advice and help on lots of different subjects like negativity, stress, parenting and pose breakdowns! There's a bit of something for everyone!

The July/Aug issue also has a great spread for the best online yoga sites and tips for building a home practice. So, if you fancy yourself a bit of home yoga like me, then make sure you pick up the july/aug issue!

If you're interested in the magazine and the articles that I've mentioned and you want to subscribe, you can subscribe HERE or click the ad below. Each magazine is £1.99 or you can get a 6 or 12 month subscription(£8.99/£16.99). The Magazine is also available to people in the US too!
OM Yoga Magazine
Tell me, What do you think of quotes? What is your favourite quote?

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