
Om Yoga Magazine // All GOOD Choices


Disclosure: I am part of the OM Yoga Blogger Programme. I have been provided me with a free subscription to the magazine in exchange for writing a blog post for each month. All opinions and thoughts are my own. Links/Ads for OM Yoga are affiliated referral links. See my policy page HERE for more detail.

I've had what feels like such a busy month for September, I've been really failing with the blog recently as a result. Work has been ramping up with tight deadlines, I was at the end of training for Great North Run and I went on holiday to Turkey for a week!

Things have basically gotten a little out of control, especially food wise. I haven't been making the best of choices. It's the first of October tomorrow and I'm ready for a do over.

I was re-reading the Om Yoga Magazine for September when I was reminded of the 'All GOOD Choices' article.

The article talks about conflicts with regards to being disciplined and the choices that we have to make. The example is perfect in this article and is something I am often faced with; the want for unhealthy/junk food(in the article, it was a cinnamon roll.. *drool*).

All throughout my weight loss journey, I've been faced with conflicts with regards to food. On the one hand, I KNOW that it would be far better to have fruit or a more nutritious snack and I will regret my choice of chosing something unhealthy in the future. On the other hand, I crave/want a certain food - a more often than not, particularly under stress - this wins.

The 'All GOOD Choices' article suggests a simple method with three simple steps for avoiding situations like this and it's something I'll be baring in mind!

Consider the Future You - What would the future you want? Think of the effects of having what you want, how will you feel after you've had it? How will you feel later on? Is it the right choice? Been in this situation before? Think back to how you felt then.

Consider the Present You - The interests of the present self may seem obvious when you first think about them but in reality, they're probably an interest of many and there are also so many other things that you might want too, bigger things - The want to be healthier, more mindful for example.

Merge the Two
If future and present you were friends, what would be a happy medium? Take turns! One or the other doesn't need to win all of the time. Have what you want this time, have something healthier the next. Find a happy medium.
Another way is to pick the third option - which the article calls 'savour discipline'. This is where you don't choose the Future or Present choices, and instead find something that both sides would be happy with. The article gives some examples: going for a walk, reading a book, enjoying some quiet time alone, learning to do something new. Basically, savouring the moment as though it was the best thing in the world. You can savour many things in the present moment which your present self will enjoy and your future self will be happy about too!

I'll definitely be baring all of this in mind for my future choices. I need to be more mindful and pay more attention to what I want, rather than just acting in the present. Keep in mind of what the future me wants.

I've been saying for the longest time that I have been struggling with losing weight again after surgery and thus far, it hasn't been massively successful. Part of this has been due to willpower and I also think a large part has been due to listening more to my present self and giving into bad choices and letting my emotions make the choices, rather than thinking of the bigger picture of wanting to lose weight and be healthier - This is something that needs to change!

Tomorrow is a new day, a new month, a new start! Lets do this! :)

Question: How do you handle the good vs the bad choices? Do you give in? Do you listen to your future self? or do you find a happy medium? Tell me in the comments below :)

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