
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Happy Sunday, Everyone! I hope you've all had a great weekend. This week was much the same as last week - minus some of the exercise as I had to rest for a race this week. I may as well just get straight into it!
Running -  Did 3 runs rather than my scheduled 4 for half marathon training. I had a race today which meant that I needed an extra day of rest so I changed up my run days slightly. Find out about my weeks training in tomorrows post.

Walking - Haven't really done that much walking this week - I've been really busy at work which means that I've not gotten out to do my lunch time walks at all this week. The GCC challenge motivation is wearing off. We're nearing the end of the challenge, only 18 days left of the challenge -  to be fair -  I think I over did it at the start and walked and did WAY too much which wasn't maintainable. At the moment, I'm probably averaging around 12-15k which is still perfectly fine, so that's probably what I'll stick to.

Swimming -  Only went to the pool the once this week for my swimming lesson -  I was meant to go at least twice this week but it just didn't happen. I must have been  a little off this week on my swimming lesson -  either that or my swim coach is just trying to push me further. I felt like I was constantly getting told I needed to do something better -  not rotating enough, not breathing out enough, arms not going into the water the correct way. I just felt deflated at the end of the lesson and ended up getting a bit emotional about the whole thing.

The whole emotional thing has been doing my head in, recently, anything that is hard work or makes me push myself, ends up in tears. I cried after the Great Newham Run, I cried after the park run the other week, again at the end of my swimming lesson and AGAIN after my race today(I dont even want to see the pictures of me crossing the finish line!). I'm not sure why it's happening.. but it's a little annoying!

There isn't actually much to say about food this week, it's been pretty much the same as last week. Breakfasts have been filling as usual -  I am currently not having any snacks as work when I used to have two during work hours. I just haven't been feeling hungry so I didn't see the point in eating anything. The only time I've been having a snack is at home and it's either been a Nakd or a 9bar.

Plan For Next Week
My plan for last week was just to stay on track with healthier eating and my exercise plans that I already had in place. I did want to start incorporating some home workouts/weights(kettlebells)back into my routine but that didn't happen -  I didn't start it as knew it would probably give me DOMS and I didn't need that before a race.

I might try to incorporate some short(10-15 min) workouts during the week like abs/kettlebell workouts - but I think my main focus should be on what I am already doing. Running will continue as normal and that takes priority over everything else. Then I have my swimming and I'd really like to get in the pool a couple more times during the week. Once a week is definitely not enough and probably the reason it's taking me so long to make any progress. I think I should be at least aiming for twice a week - once for my lesson and once to work on my technique outside of class.

So, we'll see what happens this week.

In case you missed it, here is the blog posts I wrote this week:
Review // Trespass Mirror 15L Hydration Backpack
Om Yoga Magazine // Inspired Living
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 7

Question: Have you ever gotten emotional after any sort of exercise?

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