
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 11


I've been on a roll with the good weeks recently. This week was another one of them. I finished four successful runs this week and everything is going smoothly and I'm on for a good race at Great North Run next week. Let me fill you in on what happened this week.

Week 11 Training Schedule
3 Miles
5 Miles PACE
3 Miles
12 miles
What I Did
5 Miles
3 Miles
30 min Swim
3 Miles
8 Miles
So, I swapped some runs around this week - which is no biggie - I still completed all(but one) of the runs that were scheduled this week. Travelling and train delays took it out on me on Monday - I had to return to work Tuesday and I was just drained, so I stayed in bed a little earlier and just decided to do Tuesday's run on Thursday instead.

Wednesday was a 5 miler - which went well. It was mild out which is just the way I like it and my pace was good for 5 miles - especially since two were on fields - I was averaging 10:19 min/mi.

Thursday was the 3 miler that I missed on Tuesday - it went OK, pace was a little slower but I expected it after doing the 5 miler the day before - my legs were a little tired. I've been practicing my running selfie game too - I want to try and get some pictures whilst i'm out on the run and rather than stop and affect my time, I want to try and do it on the run - I'd ideally like to take a picture on the bridge - but we'll see what happens!
Getting better - atleast the background is in focus this time! ;)
I moved my Friday run to Saturday and did a Park Run in Cambridge - I got a park run PB of 5 seconds - which I'll take - seconds is better than nothing at all, right? It was also the first time that I've been sick at the end of a race - Sure, I've pushed hard and been heaving at the finish line but I've never been sick until that day and it was awful. :S - but I guess I really must have pushed myself to get a better time!

Sunday - I lowered my mileage - when I saw I had 12 miles - I was a little concerned. I'm someone who recovers really slowly for a run - If I've not had adequate time to recover, then my legs feel sluggish - I was worried that running a 12 miler only a week before the race might affect how I feel on race day - I took to twitter(#ukrunchat) to find out peoples opinions on doing a 12 miler the week before race day - and almost everyone advised that it would probably be best for me to lower it.

So that's exactly what I did - I lowered my mileage and ended up doing 8 miles - I went out quite late(just before lunch) on Sunday - I left it a bit late as I thought it would be quite mild out and it turned out to be quite warm. Needless to say - I managed to do 8 miles in 1:22:01 - 10:15 min/mi - so I was pretty happy with that! If I can keep up that pace for the last couple of miles, then I should be on for a PB at GNR this week.
I've spoken about this several times already - but my main aim is to just get round the whole thing without having to stop and walk - the last couple of long runs that I've done - I've had no problems and I've been pretty comfortable towards the end of the run knowing I still have enough left to maintain pace and not stop till the end. So hopefully that's what happens!

Week 12 Training Schedule
3 Miles
2  miles
2 Miles
Great North Run!
We're into taper week! I can't believe there's just under a week until Great North Run - for once - I'm actually pretty excited to do the run(and obviously part of my wants to be done with training and just relax for a little bit!)

So, we're tapering this week - mileage has come right down. I can tell you now that I wont be doing the runs as planned this week - I know what my body is used to and how it recovers from runs - so I'm doing what I know is best for my own preparation for race day.

I'll be doing the runs on Tuesday and Wednesday as planned - but I won't be running on Friday. My body likes the extra time to recover - I know some people run a day or two before race to give their legs a bit of a shake up for the race - but that doesn't work for me and my body likes the extra rest.

So my last run will be Wednesday - I will probably do a swim or something on Friday just to get in some sort of exercise - but I'll be giving my legs/feet a rest from the pavement.

I've upped my water slightly this week - I always drink quite a lot of water anyway - but I like to make sure that my water in take is on point leading up to race day - I want to make sure I'm well hydrated up to race day.

Other than that - I just want to stay out of trouble - I wont be going near any fields for running so I've no worries of rolling my ankle - just making sure everything is going smoothly leading up to Sunday.

If that goes to plan, I'll be happy!

Now I'm off for my swim lesson! Have a great week everyone!

Question: Anything specific that you aim to do the week leading up to race day?

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  1. Good luck! I'm sure all your training will pay off and I look forward to reading all about it.

    My half is in just over 2 weeks time and I'm doing my long 12 mile run this weekend for exactly the same reason as you. I need to let my legs recover properly!

  2. @MissRoulette Thanks Sweet! Yes - it's just the way it is for me - I know some people that can run everyday(Phillips Mum runs everyday without fail for 5-6 miles a day) and has no problem at all. But my legs and my body hate me if I run more than 1-2 days in a row! I'm all good with that though - I dont mind :)

    Good Luck with your HM! I'm sure you'll do great! x


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