
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Happy Sunday, Everyone! Hope you've enjoyed a shorter week here in the UK thanks to the Bank Holiday! If you're not in the UK - I hope you've enjoyed your week all the same! :)
Running -  As always, I did my 4 training runs this week for great north run, it was my final full week of training and I'll be going into taper week next week, so I'm pretty happy to be cutting down my milage! Yay!

I'll have my GNR training diary up tomorrow for more info. If you haven't seen my other posts from the GNR series, then click HERE.

Yoga! - I've finally started to get back into yoga. I didn't do any yoga for the whole of last month. I've definitely missed it! 
You can find my Instagram HERE if you're interested! :)
I'm doing another monthly challenge to help make sure that I definitely get in some practice. It's with Kino and Kerri with AloYoga - and of course, my beautiful yoga bestie Jordan from MyGeneralLife is doing it too, I've missed her!

Swimming -  I only swam once this week! Wommmmp! - I didn't have a swimming lesson this week as it was the bank holiday and the pool closed early - I probably wouldn't have gone anyway as I had been travelling for 6 hours on the train back from my parents so I was knackered when I got back!

I went swimming on Friday after work - Phillip met me in town and we went straight there. The swim was great, it wasn't too busy. I just did breast stroke for 30 minutes - I don't like doing front crawl outside of lessons at the moment as I feel like I'm not confident enough and certainly don't have the stamina to keep doing length after length so I'd be getting in peoples way stopping all the time!

Hopefully, I can get to a point where I start getting the stamina to keep going for longer, then I can practice outside of lessons.

My breast stroke has really come along nicely! I'm starting to feel confident when swimming that way which is awesome and swam for the full 30 mins without having to stop for a rest. I certainly felt it the day after, my arms were achey and my hips felt a little tight too!

Food started off OK at the beginning of the week - my choices were good, I was eating healthy, I was having different flavored(seasoned) chicken with rice and lots of veggies(all thanks to Muscle food for sending me an abundance of chicken!). I was having sandwiches for lunch(I made them myself with protein bread and some light cheese and some ham, they were fab!). My snacking was fine, I was having a yogurt or fruit of some sort and all was going well.

We finished GCC on Friday - and we had a budget from the company to spend on a party and snacks - unfortunately - not everyone lives the healthy lifestyle in the office and we ended up getting a lot of savory food like sausage rolls, samosas, onion bhaji's - as well as an abundance of cake and sweets.
This was just the sweet side - Oopsie! ;)
SH*T. Is all I have to say - my will power could not stand up to this and I did have some naughty treats that day - more than I needed - but whatever, whats done is done! I'm not going to beat myself up for having a treat - I just needed to bounce back from it.

Slightly redeemed myself this week - I've been eating fairly healthily again so I'm back on track and we've got everything prepared meal wise for next week.

Plan For Next Week
Everything went to plan again this week - the most important thing was to make sure that my running took priority this week as it was my final training week before taper week - it went well, i'm happy with it.

This week - I just need to continue with the same thing - stick to the running plan - taper properly - rest adequately in between runs and leading up to the weekend - I wont be doing much at all towards the end of the week in terms of exercise to make sure I'm fully rested.

I want to make sure I'm well hydrated this week - plenty of water intake during the week - so I want to keep tabs on that this week.

As long as these two are covered, I'll have another good week and shouldn't have any hiccups for Great North Run! All should go well for the race!

I'm sure it will be fine! I'm just excited to finish it and have training done. I obviously won't be training after GNR has finished - and I'll be going on holiday to turkey the week after - so I'll have some time to chill and relax which will be nice :)

In case you missed it, here is the blog posts I wrote this week:
Great North Run - Training Diary - Week 10
MuscleFood - The answer to all your protein needs!

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  1. You're doing so well! Great effort (we all need a treat sometime!).


  2. @cmclaire Thanks, Sweet! You're right, we all need a treat every now and again - just so happens that mine was last week :) x


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