
North London Half // Training Diary // Week 2 Recap


I'm in to week 2 of my North London Half training and it's off to a rocky start. The beginning half was going well and I was on track, however, I had a slight mishap at the end of the week which has set me back slightly. I've also had to already adjust my training schedule which I'll get onto in a second.

So, below, as always, is a table of my training schedule for last week with the day, what I had scheduled and what I actually completed.

Week 2 Training Schedule
Cross Train
Cross Train
Park Run/Speed Run
6 Miles
What I Did
30 min Kettlebell Workout
4 Mile Tempo Run
45 min Kettlebell Workout
7 Miles
25 min Kettlebell Workout
As you can see, there's a few changes that were made already during the week.

Monday - I did my usual swimming lesson, it went well.

Tuesday - I did a 30 minute kettlebell workout - I wasn't actually as sore this time round which is a good thing so I don't suffer on my runs - still a good workout though! If you haven't done any kettlebell workouts before, I highly recommend them for working up a sweat!

Wednesday - This was a highly successful Tempo run - on a weds I usually go out with Phillips Mum for a run - We run together for the first few miles and then she usually runs a little faster for the last few and I can't keep up. On this run, I actually managed to run each mile faster than the last except for the last mile(needed the toilet - that's all I'm going to say!) - Overall a really good run.
Thursday - was another 45 min kettlebell workout. I originally only did a 25 min kettlebell workout, then I was searching on Youtube for more workouts and ended up just doing another that I thought was quite good! xD

Friday - was supposed to be another swim day - but I forgot my swim kit and it just wasn't worth travelling all the way home and all the way back for it - so I just took a rest day.

Saturday - was supposed to be a 3 mile run - I went out with Phillip and his mum - they're quite a bit faster than me so I classed this as a 'speed run' - however, I was feeling particularly good out on the run that I decided to try and get in my long run rather than doing it the next day. I was having a few issues with my left shoe -but thought it would be OK for the run.

Turns out it wasn't - about 4 or so miles in, it became a game of stop and go to adjust my shoe - I'm not sure if it was the socks I was wearing or the fact that my shoes were really old, but the shoe in a particular point felt like it was either rubbing or putting a lot of pressure on the bone that runs from my big toe.

When I finally got home, the top of my foot in that area was bright red and very tender - I managed 7 miles but was totally disappointed, I was feeling good on the run apart from the shoe issue and could have easily run another mile or two! I've swapped to a new pair of shoes now as I had quite alot of miles in my old ones.

Sunday - after the previous run the day before, my foot was still pretty tender and sore and I couldn't put a shoe on without it hurting. I ended up sitting out my run for the day and doing another kettlebell workout(which I've obviously become a bit obsessed with!)
Week 3 Training Schedule
Cross Train
Cross Train
2-3 miles Easy
Race Day - 10K
Like I said - I've had to slightly amend my training plan since creating it - there were a few things I totally hadn't taken into consideration but were mega important. One is the fact that I had a race coming up this weekend - the London Winter Run 10K - plus next month I'll be in Costa Rica for 2 weeks meaning that there's a very low chance of me being able to do a long run whilst I'm away.

I need to try and have my mileage as high as possible before we leave for Costa Rica. I wanted to do 8-9 miles for my long run last week and it was going well up until my shoe problems. This week I wont be able to fit in a long run as I'll have a race.. so I'm a little worried!

I know that the general rule of thumb for training is that you're not supposed to have a massive jump between miles but if needs must - I'll up my mileage - but that's another topic for next week after I get this race out of the way!

I'm sure everything will be fine and I'm more than capable of running a half marathon - just maybe not as good of a time but I do have another half in May so I can put alittle more focus into that after my holiday!

Question: Ever had something come up in the middle of your training which you have to work around? How do you handle it?

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  1. Well done on your schedule this week! i love a good kettlebell workout - they're great! Hope your foot is feeling better now - sounds like a good move to swap your shoes out now. x

  2. @Steph Thanks honey! They're fab aren't they?! I've become a bit obsessed with them! They're such a good workout for the whole body and definitely break a sweat!

    Foot is feeling much better, thank you! I took an extra days rest to let it get back to normal - new shoes seem to be OK too so all good so far! :) xX


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