
Weekly Recap #1


I've decided to bring back the Sum It Up.. Sunday posts that I used to do but I've just renamed it and changed the format slightly. For the time being, I'm gonna cover exercise and food for the week, including any blog posts/videos I've posted, a 'favourite of the week' and a to-do list for next week.

These posts are a way for me to keep a diary of sorts so know what I did or didn't do during the week and I can look back on them if needed.

Pretty bland to be honest! I did 4 runs this week. I'll have a post going live tomorrow to recap my training for the week, so keep an eye out for that for more specifics. Other than running, I have been swimming once this week which was my usual swimming lesson. Front crawl is still my worst stroke. Break stroke is still my best stroke. Breathing is still difficult with front crawl but I am definitely making progress.

So, I've done exercise 5/7 days which is not bad at all, in fact I'm pretty happy with it.

My blog has always been honest, I always strive to be honest with those reading my blog. If you're a regular reader, you'll already know that I don't eat clean, I don't ever claim to eat clean. I try to make healthier choices with food and have the occasional treat here and there. I don't believe in restriction but instead having things in moderation. It's got me this far in my weight loss journey and that's OK with me.

With that being said, I had a good week with food this week. For lunch, I've been having Tuna Salad wraps and some SnapPea crisps. Dinners have been veggies(usually peas, but I've told Phillip that we should switch this up so we've bought different veggies this week), cous cous and either chicken, fish or gammon.
The only thing I'd like to improve on is breakfast. I have been having yoghurt and milled linseed for breakfast which is great and relatively healthy but I think I need something a little more substantial to keep me fuller.

I posted just 1 blog post this week(other than this one), which isn't good enough! I plan on getting in at least 1 extra blog post per week. I also posted two youtube videos this week. One was the last review video for the Epson Runsense that I was testing a while back. The video was long overdue. The other video was an unboxing for the SourcedBox subscription box.

I hope to post at least 1 video a week on my youtube channel and get back into a regular schedule of posting on there, so do subscribe to my channel if you want to stay updated with new content!

SOURCEDBOX Unboxing  - April '16 - Healthy, Natural Snacks
Epson Runsense SF-810 VS Garmin Forerunner 620& Epson Final Thoughts
Training Diary // Run Hackney 2016 // Week 2 Recap

SOURCEDBOX -  I actually won a SourcedBox as part of an Earthmiles challenge that I did a month or two ago. I received the April Box last week and I've been enjoying trying out some new healthy snack brands. I've not finished the box contents yet but I definitely approve and will definitely be getting it again! It's a subscription based service for healthy snacks and the box contains about 10 products. Most of the contents are suitable for vegans(Niomi, one of the founders, leads a plant based diet, so she finds this really important!)

You've probably already seen the link above to the youtube video above, so you can check that out if you're interested in seeing the types of products that are included in the monthly boxes.

- Write and publish at least 3 blog posts this week.
- Film 1 Video for this week to go live on Friday.
- Change up breakfasts this week. Have something different.
- Start Kettle bell workouts.

That's it for this week! It's been a good week and one that I hope continues into next week. I will obviously get this post up earlier next week. I really shouldn't watch TV episodes whilst trying to blog. Speaking of TV Episodes. I just watched the end of season 6 of The Walking Dead.. and what the hell! :O

Question: Do you make to-do lists for the week? If you could pick a favourite product that you've had this week, what would it be?

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