
Weekly Recap #5


Another great week this week. I've been running, my eating has been on track and it's just been an all round good week. Lets just get straight into it!

I had a swimming lesson this week.. but there wasn't too much swimming! We did about 8 lengths to begin with but spent the majority of the rest of the lesson kicking off the wall.. there's probably a way better explanation for that.. but basically swimming towards the edge of the pool, grabbing the wall, turning and kicking back off. The swim teacher basically wanted us to more efficiently turn at each end of the pool instead of stopping, turning round and swimming back.. so that was good. Hopefully it will encourage me to keep swimming rather than stopping for a short breather at the other end!

On the down side, it didn't give me much chance to test out the swim tracker side of the Fenix, but Phillip went swimming too and he says it's great. Hopefully I will get a better chance to try it tomorrow!

Other than swimming, I actually went running 5 times this week. It's so funny, cause during my training, I seem to skip runs and I end up doing 3 runs per week. When I don't have a training schedule, I seem to have run more! How does that even work!
I did a 5 miler with Phillips mum earlier in the week, a 10k today, my first park run of the year yesterday and 2 shorter runs of 2 miles and 1.57 miles. I'm pretty happy with that! Maybe I should just do what I want during the week instead of having a plan!

Food hasn't been too bad this week either. I've been tracking, as I have been since the start of this month. It definitely makes me more aware of the types of food I am eating and how many calories I've been taking in. To be honest, the amount that I'm eating now doesn't seem at all different compared to how I was eating prior to tracking, which in a way is a good thing.

I will definitely be continuing to track though. Tracking has made me way more mindful and sometimes, I feel hungry out of boredom, I know I have no calories left and it really puts me off eating over my calorie allowance which is good.

I am taking one day off food next week which is tomorrow.. only because it's my birthday and I'm having me some cake!
Hahaha! I found this from a couple of years ago ;)
I've posted a couple of times this week which I'm happy about and also kept on schedule with my 1 Youtube video a week(don't forget to subscribe!), feel free to catch up on them here:

Garmin Fenix 3 HR Unboxing
Fueling During Exercise
Race Recap // Run Hackney Half Marathon 2016

Kia..Crane Sports Sunglasses - I picked these up in Aldi this week for £1.99 and they're a bargain! They've got full protection and they do for the sunny days! The last couple of runs have been really sunny and I've been squinting a lot. These definitely help!

Here's a recap of last week:
Start Home Workouts - FAIL - It just didn't happen this week as I was working overtime this week and then busy babysitting this weekend so I just didn't fit it in! Instead I ended up running more which I'm not complaining about too much.

So, whats on the agenda this week? The same as last week!

Start Home Workouts - Since I didn't manage to start them last week, I'm trying again this week. I don't plan on running so much this week and instead fitting in some home workouts. I've already written a schedule of what I want to do this week. I just have to do it.
- Swap snack bars for fruit - Since I've been tracking, I do see that I eat quite a few snack bars during the week and I want to try and make more of an effort to swap this for some fruit instead, less sugars, carbs, sounds good! I bought a watermelon today which I've cut up and put into tubs and I'm gonna grab some grapes and bananas etc from Aldi tomorrow!

That's it! Lets have a good week shall we?! I'm looking forward to some cake tomorrow!

Question: Do you have sunglasses for sunny runs or a hat?

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