
Weekly Recap #6


It's been a fun week this week, there's been two birthdays, lots of cake, lots of swimming and a surprise! Read on to see what I got up to this week!

I didn't go to my swimming lesson this week.. partly because it was my birthday, partly because we were picking up Freds birthday present(weird we were picking up someone else's present on my birthday.. but I'm not complaining)... More on that further on in the post.

So, my exercise this week has been swimming mostly! I've been swimming 3 times this week. I went Weds, Thurs and Friday. Weds was 1200m, Thurs was 1250m  and Fri was a mere 600m(we didn't check the timetable before leaving and the pool closed for disabled only so we had to get out).
I have been running once this week which was Weds before swimming, I did a 5 mile Tempo run with Phillip's Mum. I was supposed to run more this week but I did so much swimming and was so tired from getting up early that I just didn't!

I was changed and ready for a Parkrun on Saturday but Phillips Mum took SO long getting out of her wetsuit after open water swimming that we missed the start, so we just went home. I totally should have ran when I got home instead but I was hungry by then.. so it just didn't happen!
I've been thinking that I'd like to do open water swimming eventually, maybe even a Triathlon. I am definitely not ready for it yet, but maybe next season I will give it a go!

Food hasn't been as good as it was last week.. and that's only because it was my birthday on Monday and Fred's birthday on Saturday so I had cake most days of the week and takeaway this weekend. It was wonderful and you know what I'm like with no restricting foods.. so I'm not guilty for having cake in the slightest!

All other food this week was actually pretty good. Dinners are the usual and I was having salads for lunch this week, so relatively healthy.

Well.. blogging sucked this week.. I've been major busy this week with work stuff, I've been leaving late from work and I've not had much time to sort stuff out, I should really be more organised. That combined with my early nights due to getting up so early in the mornings has made it worse. It'll be better next week I promise. I spend this weekend writing up some posts.

I did film a Youtube video this weekend that went live earlier today, so you can find that below:
My Training Plans for July 10km Races

MEET MERLIN!! I've totally fallen in love with him, he's absolutely gorgeous, so playful(and a bit nippy!) but he's so awesome. He isn't mine though, gutted! We picked him up on my birthday, he is Fred's birthday present. He practically spends more than half the week here when Fred comes over, so I get to play with him all the time!

Here's a recap of last week:
Start Home Workouts - FAIL - Oh man.. I'm on the brink of giving up with putting this as a goal since it's been two weeks that I've failed this. I swam more than expected this week and this week has been really busy, so I've not got round to it. Excuses.. Excuses I know!
- Swap snack bars for fruit - DONE! - I actually managed to this, this week! I've had some water melon and bananas as snacks.. but I've also had a lot of cake.. so it's not been all that good in reality! haha! We've bought more fruit this week in the hopes of subbing my snacks.. but we have Phillips mum's 50th this week.. so more cake.. EEK!

So, what do I want to do next week?
Not eat cake everyday! It's totally OK to have a piece of cake on a birthday, I would never turn it away.. BUT I don't need to have a slice everyday until the cake has gone. So I'll only be having one slice on Phillips Mums Birthday next week but none after that!

and as much as it bugs me and it's repetitive:
Do at least one home workout - I had no excuses last week and I really don't have any excuses this week.. I just put it off and I have no real reason for it. I've got a rough schedule for next week which includes swimming twice, running 3 times and home workouts in between. I'm hoping to stick to it. I know that once I get my first workout out of the way, I will get back into the swing of things. I just have to do it.. and that's the hardest part.

Lets see what happens. I'm hoping to snap out of this and just get on with it! I CAN DO THIS! xD

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