Monthly Stats // December '16 // Getting My Old Self Back
A little late with my post this month - I've been without a laptop and I've had some complications with the iMac I bought so I'm having all the luck right now, bare with me! Last month was not the best month. It was full of stress and with stress comes emotional eating. I think I've done OK given the circumstances but it really wasn't my aim for this month. Weight Loss wise, this year has not been great for me.
Last Months Weight: 163.8 lbs
This Months Weight: 162.2 lbs
Difference in Weight: - 1.6 lbs
Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 95.6 lbs
No change in measurements - though I'm not disappointed as I've kinda got used to the fact that my measurements don't move even though my weight does. I'm actually a little thankful for it - I cant imagine yo-yo-ing with measurements too and being down one month and back up the next. So at the moment I'm totally OK with it not moving!
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Last Months Plans:
So.. Last months plan was to do some home workouts. I managed 1-2 kettebell workouts that I remember and some very brief bits of core work but really, my head just wasn't in the game for it last month, I hated doing it and was in a bit of a rut.
I had my month planned out of workouts and exercise that I wanted to do - I basically have a monthly calendar spread with check boxes and things I want complete that day - whether that's swimming, cycling or running - you can totally add other things like making sure you've had enough water each day etc but mine was solely workouts based.
When you do them - you can then tick off the activities you've completed on your calendar. It'd look pretty cool to have ticks in all the boxes for everything you had planned out.In my case however, no matter how much I'd planned it out - sometimes it just doesn't work and last month was absolutely one of those months.
This Months Plan:
So.. this month I don't think I should focus so much on 'actions' as such - my workouts and exercise will come as they always do so I don't have to worry too much.. but I really want to come up with a strategy for the new year.
I'm sure I've mentioned this here on my blog as well as On my social media.. but it's been over two years since I had my surgery and I'm still 15 lbs heavier than I was before I went in.
I think I've lost my way slightly and I really need to go back to basics with my weight loss. So.. I'm gonna come up with a strategy of how to tackle the weight issue for the new year - there absolutely no point in me trying to make a change this month as there's just too much temptation involved around the holidays - but I hope to have a clear plan of what I want to do along with the goals that I want to achieve when the New Year Comes.. and it isn't that far away now!
I'll obviously be doing another one of these posts in the new year as my new starting point - and then I'll do another post shortly after with my plans for those that are interested.
I know I can do this, I just have to get my old Laura mindset back - not the one who likes to eat all the food and weighs 260+ lbs ;) but the one who had the drive, the focus and the willpower to push forward and lose the weight! She's in here somewhere, I just have to discover her again.
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