
Monthly Stats // March '17


It's been a whirlwind of a month! I hate February! It goes by so much faster despite only being 2/3 days shorter than the rest of the month. It's been a busy month! I've been so focused on half marathon training and in the midst of things, I haven't been paying as much attention to my nutrition.. so I knew what was coming this month.

Back up in weight this month. My body really likes being at 163 lbs.. but I bloody don't. However, this is no fault of my own. My nutrition hasn't been perfect this month, my focus has been on my training.. but I really should have had a balance between the two.

Training makes you so hungry! All the damn time.. and unfortunately sometimes I gave into it when I didn't really need it.

Last Months Weight: 162.2 lbs
This Months Weight: 163.4 lbs
Difference in Weight:  + 1.2 lbs
Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 93.6 lbs

Weirdly, and I find this so often during my measurement taking.. Despite going back up in weight, my measurements haven't changed? I don't understand why, surely they would go up slightly if I'd gained weight? Not that Im complaining.. though Im sure it's somewhere.. just probably not where Im measuring! 

Last Months Plans:
So, in last months post, I said I wanted to get in 1 Strength Session each week.. it didn't happen. I don't have any excuses, I just didn't do them like I planned, my training ended up being more focused on my running and some swimming in between with not much of anything else.

As i mentioned above too, running and swimming has made me super hungry and it's been so hard to keep my nutrition in check. I've been trying to eat more protein to keep myself fuller, I've been drinking more water and I'm still hungry.. So, Im pretty sure I've been over eating a lot.

This Months Plan:
I had been tracking at the start of the month(calories wise) but it kinda dwindled not long into the month and I didn't pick it back up. I have again. I've been tracking since yesterday - even when Im over and it hasn't been a great day.

Half Marathon training is almost over.. though I'll be starting another training cycle soon after for another race.. but want to make sure I try and keep tabs on eating and try and get the hunger under control.

So nutrition is going to be a major focus for this coming month. Aside from that, as I mentioned, I didn't strength train last month. I was hoping that if I didn't fit in any strength training then at least maybe I can attempt a 30 day challenge to get in some strength work each day that don't take very long. I put on in my bullet journal last month which I never even started.. so now is as good a time as any. I have done day one.. so thats a start right!
Not my finest work.. but it'll do!
If I can stretch to it. I really need to get some saddle miles in too on the bike. Hopefully it warms up so I can start going back out. I've been really limited with turbo this month due to no longer having a laptop and having limited access to a tablet to use the simulator. Im hoping a new iPad comes out soon as I have vouchers to use! 

Anyway! I've rambled on long enough.. lets have a better month shall we?

If you want to check out my previous Monthly Stats Posts, you can find them all HERE.

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  1. Laura you're just great for inspiration. I never measure anything but weight but actually, you are so right about the inches, sometimes they will change when the scales won't. I'm afraid I don't know where your weight gain went either though if your inches didn't change lol.

    Thank you for linking up with #weightlosswednesday xx

  2. Well done you for being so honest! I regularly 'fall off the wagon' when it comes to nutrition but I often think that if I don't say it out loud it never really happened! It's great to see your progress, keep at it and good luck with the strength training!


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