
Training Diary #13


Sometimes, things come up that you  hadn't really expected and it can play havoc with your training. This week was one of them weeks.. and whilst I don't think it's set me back.. I hope I don't have another. I just need to find solutions so it doesn't impact my training as much.

It is 6 weeks until Woburn Abbey Triathlon, if you're not up to speed with whats going on for me training wise, Woburn is my first triathlon and you can read up all about my goals and training plan on THIS post.

Unplanned Rest

Phillip was on call for his work all this week which meant that OWS was out of the question until the weekend. I also made the decision to skip my swim lesson this week in favour of watching the Love Island final ;)

Activity: Cycle | Distance: 15.52 miles | Time: 55.03 | Pace: 16.9 mph
Headed out with Phillip in the evening for a cycle. We headed into the city to try and do some of the hills(if they can even really be called hills). City riding is the worst. Cars are THE most inconsiderate.. had a car completely cut in front of us to do a U-Turn in the road. The hills were horrendous for me.. meanwhile Phillip seemed to do them with ease. I could probably hop off my bike and walk up the hill quicker.. but it's something I deffo need to work on.

Activity: Pool Swim | Distance: 1800m | Time: 47:38 | Pace: 2:37 min/100m

Quicker than last week.. but still quite a bit slower than my usual swims in the pool, so I'm not entirely sure whats going on.. Maybe I'm feeling run down or something as ideally I'd like to be getting faster not slower.
Swim Suit is Michael Phelps Kiraly Print from Aquasphere <3
It probably wasn't helped by the fact that the pool water was like swimming in bath water. It was SO warm.. Id taken my swim cap off I was getting too hot.. only to have to put it back on as my hair kept getting in my face. I just had to soldier on for the rest of it.

Activity: Run | Distance: 4 miles | Time: 40:11 | Pace: 10:03 min/mi

Headed out straight after I got back from work with Phillip to see if running before dinner made any difference.. and it did in terms of the temperature.. it was bloody hot! I struggled a lot on the run and stopped several times to catch my breath.
4 sweaty miles in total, we ran up and around the horses field and back. It was lovely to see the horses and their foals out in full force. Despite feeling crappy for the most part, I managed an OK pace AND Strava said that I've shaved 3 minutes off the course time since April which I was pretty pleased to see!

Unplanned Rest

Hadn't done any exercise in the morning but wish I had.. We had a couple of house viewings in the afternoon and I thought we would get back in time to go Open Water Swimming.. but it seems everything was against us and the traffic was horrendous.. we missed one house viewing and completely missed OWS.

On Saturday, we had planned OWS but Phillip got called out at an ungodly hour of the morning and we were both knackered and decided to skip. Had good intentions of going running later in the day but it never happened.

Activity: Turbo Cycle | Distance: 12.84 mile | Time: 1:06:20 | Pace: 11.6 mph
This session was SO tough.. Phillip picked out the route for me on the Bkool app and it was an 11.5 mile course with 6 miles of climbs... holy sweat! Most of the climbs required me to be out of the seat.. my legs were aching and I was super sweaty!

I was glad to be done but super happy to have completed it.. even if I was going about 4mph on an 11.5% incline ;)

Question: Any tips for tackling hills when cycling? How to you handle the really busy weeks?

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