
Things I Loved In // September & October


I missed the last Things I Loved In post as I was on holiday and hadn't planned as usual.. I hadn't many things to mention in October but I did I love the things I had planned on mentioning last month, so I've combined the two together.

Here goes..

Woburn Triathlon!
I didn't know whether I was going to include this one or not.. but I had a blast with my first triathlon at Woburn Abbey, it was one of my favourite things about the month of September.. not to mention the fact that I can't wait to do another! I know people say you get the bug after doing one and they definitely weren't wrong. I'm just sad that the season is over.. I'm not OWS or pool swimming at the moment and haven't been on my bike since the triathlon either.. I just haven't had the chance with the house move. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things soon!
If you haven't read my race recap for my first triathlon, you can check it out HERE.

The City Kitchen Meals
I needed to pick up something that was fairly quick to make at work a couple of times - I'd forgotten my lunch and ended up opting for The City Kitchen meals on two occasions during the same week. These are SO good. They are in a convenient little microwaveable tub and cooked in just 4 minutes and they tasted absolutely delicious!
The Katsu Chicken Curry meal tasted just like one of my favourite ever meals to get from the Chinese takeaway and it was divine. I will 100% be picking up some more of these if I need a quick lunch solution!

Peanut and Choc Chip Cacao Brownie Bars
Picked these little beauties up from Aldi and they're lush! I've restocked multiple times since I first had them. They're made from fruit and nut with some Cacao, Peanut and Choc Chips, amaaazing! They're actually a pretty amazing dupe for the Pulsin Choc Chip bars but with a lighter price tag! Definitely grab some if you're in Aldi!
Apple Pencil & Smart Keyboard
Phillip actually recommended I get these now that I've started commuting on the train and I bloody love two of them! I have an hours commute on the train and I'm able to be super productive and write blog posts on the train now - it's SO much easier with a keyboard to type on and the pencil allows me to click and select things easier too. Overall a much easier edit than I would have without them!
The pencil is super cool too. It's really responsive on the screen and i ended up purchasing the ProCreate app to do some handwriting practice for my Bullet Journal and it also allows me to edit and overlay writing/drawings onto pictures.

Standup Paddle Boarding
I'd never tried SUP before, there were some classes at the lake where I used to do OWS but never got round to it and then had the chance to do it on holiday for free so jumped at the chance! I was super nervous when I first got on the board, I'm not good with falling into water and it was incredibly frustrating! I was determined to get the hang of it and after a few days, I felt fairly confident out on the water and loved it! I'm definitely going to see if SUP is available at the new lake we will be going to in the new year.
Stand up paddle boarding was one of the many activities I did whilst I was on holiday, you can check out my post on Active Travel at Sugar Beach to find out more!


So, that's some of the products that I've loved over the past two months, hopefully I can keep on top of the posts, I know this one was a little later than I'd hoped. I've already got a few things lined up that I'm loving this month that I'm excited to share with you!

Question: Let me know what you've loved from this month!

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  1. I really like the City Kitchen meals too. Fresh and convenient.


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