
Training Diary #20 // Cambridge Half Training - Week Three


We're into the third week of Half Marathon Training and it feels like it's flying by which is a little scary! I missed a run this week but I'm happy with the runs that I did do this week. I have made some minor tweaks to my plan which I knew was going to happen, it always does. I'll explain further down in the post as it is mostly a tweak to my long runs.

Activity: Bike Commute - Distance 2 miles each way

Only 2 days again for last week. I had one day off work as we went to go and see Phillip's Niece at his mums house for the day. The other two days were just like normal days.. same idiot drivers.. one of which nearly took off my arm as I was 'indicating' to turn into the housing estate and they wanted to overtake me instead...SIGH!

Activity: Run | Distance: 1.49 miles | Time: 13.52 | Pace: 9:20 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.4 miles | Time: 3.56 | Pace: 9:46 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 1.49 miles | Time: 15:19 | Pace: 10:17 min/mi
Activity: Run | Distance: 0.37 miles | Time: 3:51 | Pace: 10:25 min/mi
Wasn't feeling it.. but went out to run commute anyway. It was fairly mild, long tshirt, no jacket. Did need my jacket on the way back so thankful that I took it with me. My RunBox is serving its purpose, it's a great run commute bag - I mentioned it in my favourites for last month and I'm planning to do a review for those interested!

Pace is always quicker on the way to the station in the morning, I have to run a little faster as I would HATE to miss the train again!

Activity: Run | Distance: 6.6 miles | Time: 1:07:25 | Pace: 10:13 min/mi

So this is where I changed things up. I usually do my long runs on a Sunday, however, it makes much more sense for me to do it on a Saturday. I would typically run on a Saturday, no more than 3 miles, but that means that my legs aren't really fresh for my long run.

The second thing I changed was my distances for long run. I started my training a little earlier than usual and despite not doing too much running over the last few months, I don't think I've lost much fitness at all which I hadn't expected.

With that in mind, I still have 12 weeks left until race day.. so I've had to re-think my distances for long runs on a saturday. I had originally planned on doing the distances twice before upping the mileage. In other words, doing 6 miles, 6 miles, 7, 7, 8, 8 etc.. however, I wasn't particularly fond of doing each of the distances twice and it makes just as much sense to go up my half mile increments and still having more than enough time to reach my max distance before the half.
So, I had 6.5 miles on the plan this weekend, did sliiightly over. I definitely could have ran further and part of me really wanted to, just to see how far I could go but Phillip convinced me to just stay with the plan and stop.  Part of me is a little bummed I didn't just go for it but I'm happy that I felt I could go further anyway!


So, only two runs this week.. I had planned on a 3rd run on Sunday but it snowed and snowed and snowed and it was just way too slippery to go out in! We did have a little walk in it though and I almost went over on my arse several times, further solidifying my decision not to run!

Hopefully, I get in a couple more runs next week. I plan on run commuting tomorrow and may actually run commute twice this week as I wont get the chance on Friday to run as I have an office christmas lunch!

Question: Do you have a strict training plan or does your plan change throughout training?

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