
Things I Loved In // November '17


New Month.. Christmas Month in fact! Who's excited? I'm not actually. As per, I leave everything to the last minute so it leaves me very stressed out. One year.. I'll have xmas shopping done before December. It's the month of lots of lovely festive food that will probably appear in next months post amongst other things, but for the time being, it's time to let you know what I've been loving for November!

Got some pretty good items to share this month.. you'll probably already know about a few of them if you follow me on Instagram! Lets jump straight into it!

Brompton Bike
This is 100% one of the best purchases I've made in a long time and I love my little Tiffany. It's a very quick 6 minute trip to the station instead of my 30 minute walk that I was doing prior to getting the bike.
I totally think I made the right decision to spend extra on a Brompton. It's not only lighter and smaller but also very quick to fold and unfold and it's quite nippy to ride too. Had I stayed with the decision to keep one of the other bikes that I'd ordered, I think I would struggle with my commutes. My Brompton fits easily into the luggage racks on the train which is a massive help - something I wouldnt have been able to do with the other bike I had ordered due to the size.

I'll fully intend on doing a full review here on my blog in the near future :)

I recently decided to get Netflix and I've loved some of their Netflix Original Shows. I originally started watching 13 Reasons Why which I thought was brilliant. Though not a Netflix Original(or I don't think it is?) I've binge watched all 7 seasons of Pretty Little Liars, I've been watching an episode on my train journeys. I was alittle disappointed in the way it ended though!
I plan on watching Stranger Things next as there is alot of hype about it and I want to see what the fuss is about, then I've got a long list of other TV series to watch! If you have Netflix.. let me know what you recommend watching!

Quaker Oats Pumpkin Spice Porridge
I spotted these around Halloween time, I must admit I'm not a fan of Pumpkin Spice and I hate Pumpkin Spice Lattes.. but these really are delicious. It's that time of the year where I'm starting to have porridge oats again in the morning as they're so warming. This porridge has some added pumpkin seeds too for a bit of texture and I usually add some raisins and a dash of honey or some nut butter too. SO good!
They're also really handy as they're in individual sachets so I can take one to work with me, measure the milk out into the sachet and pop it in the microwave!

IAMRUNBOX Pro Backpack
This wasn't my first choice of run bag, just like my bike.. I wanted the option to run commute to the station as a way to fit in a mid week run instead of using my bike one day a week. I needed something fairly robust, something that wouldn't move or bounce around and something that would hold my iPad and had space for spare clothes.

I had seen the run bag and knew a couple of people that had it and had nothing but good things to say about it, however, I was alittle hesitant because of it's price. I ended up choosing something £30 quid cheaper.. which actually ended up falling apart on first use.. so I ended up going back to this, must have been fate.
The IAMRUNBOX is fairly expensive, but I guess you get what you pay for. The bag is extremely well built and very robust, it's a hard box shape so all items inside are protected fully and it has space for my iPad and a couple of other bits along with my work clothes to change into.

I haven't had any problems thus far with it. I've done a handful of run commutes to and from the station and have had no issues(since I adjusted the straps properly, if you don't adjust correctly, it will bounce). Again, I plan on doing a full review on my blog for this.

Lebkuchen Biscuits
They're a little like gingerbread, pretty sure they're German - was introduced to them a couple of years ago by Phillip and his family as they used to have them when they lived in Germany. I can't get enough of them! They're SO SO good.. I have to have some major restraint for these.
Every year rolls around and I look forward to Aldi/Lidl getting these babies in!

Baileys Hot Chocolate, Cream and Marshmallows!
The ultimate comfort in the winter! I'm actually not a fan of original baileys however, Phillip is and he bought an orange truffle and a coffee flavour which we have been adding to hot chocolate. I have only been using the Orange one and it's lovely. Topped with some whipped cream and mini marshmallows, yummy!
So, there's my favourites for last month and I'm sure they'll continue being favourites for a long while, I'm definitely going to get alot of use out of the fitness items! I'm looking forward to seeing discovering some new favourites this month. No doubt there's gonna be some festive food in there! ;)

Question: Tell me what you were loving last month!

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