
Monthly Stats // January '18 // Fresh Start


If you're only just coming back to my blog - Happy New Year! This post is slightly late than I wanted, but all my posts have been slightly pushed back as new year started on the Monday and I usually have a post scheduled on a monday.. which was then pushed back by new year posts! Anyway! It's here.. despite me not wanting to actually post this but it needs to be done and it will help to keep me accountable and allow me to track progress.

Slightly switching things up from my last checkin - I'm totally starting a fresh with these posts, this month wont include a side by side comparison of my last check in.. purely because I just want a fresh start.. the following months will start to have the side by side comparison.

As with my previous posts, I'll still be doing a weigh in, measurements, progress pictures and goals for the month.. so we'll get stuck in!

Screenshot has been taken from my digital scales app. So, I'm gonna be recording my fat % muscle % and BMI too this year to see how things change overtime. I obviously know that the fat & muscle percentages are not going to be accurate and that there are other ways of recording this but I suppose it will give me a basis of some sort.

As a completely different side note.. and I know I said I wouldn't make any comparisons but this is for my own reference. My weight hasn't been this high since back in March of 2012.

2018 Starting Weight: 169.5 lb
Fat %: 28.2
Muscle %: 32.5
BMI: 27.2
Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 89 lbs

So, here's my progress pictures and measurements for the start of the year. I'm hoping I can get some of these measurements down again. There's obviously some parts of my body that I'm not happy with from the weight gain but I do need to work on some self love. Despite weight gain and measurements going up, my body is capable of so much more than I give it credit for.

As with past month, I think it's helpful to set a baseline for what I intend to do this month going forward. I set some goals at the start of the year when I discussed my word for the year, so I've copied over some goals relevant to that rather than create more.

  • Track calories in MFP to start making myself more aware of how much I'm eating.
  • Cross train 1 x per week.
  • Join at the leisure center and start swimming again.
  • Lose 5 lbs and get back to pre-house move weight.
So above is the relevant goals I set, I am and have been tracking calories since the beginning of the month.. again. Im yet to do any cross training.. but we've got time, I'm going to do a 30 day challenge of some sorts to get me into the routine of it and slowly start to incorporate them into my routine. I've yet to join a leisure center but we plan to go there and join up within the next week.

The last goal is not as simple, I've kept it in but I know I probably won't lose 5 lbs this month, this is my quarterly goal but hopefully I will get my weight moving in the right direction.

If you want to check out my previous Monthly Stats Posts, you can find them all HERE.

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