Summary Sunday


Workouts this week:
Wednesday - 3.04 miles
Thursday - 3.08 miles
Saturday - 5.65miles
Sunday - 5.47 miles

4 runs this week which I'm pretty happy about but didnt fit in anything else like yoga or kettlebells.. so not the workouts I wanted. 

Food this week:
This week has been quite a fail food wise. 

I've been having a small yoghurt for breakfas rather than usual porridge for work as I end up running out of time, don't know how considering I haven't been working out every morning.. so I need to get this in check. Lunches and Dinners have actually been OK.

This week, Ive felt as though Ive been a bottomless pit and have just felt hungry all the time so Im not sure what is going on there. Hopefully, I wont have the same issue this week. Fingers Crossed!

Goals last week:
1) Fit in some Yoga this week.
Nope, didnt do it this week. Partly due to me not getting myself into a routine, therefore Im getting up later and not fitting in a workout.

2) Finish writing up my blog posts regarding skin removal surgery and consultations
I actually managed to hit a goal! I wrote and published my loose skin post last week and my next surgery posts are scheduled for the next couple of weeks, I've got them scheduled to be posted every Thursday, So I think thats the day I'll continue to post them on.

Goals this week:
1) Get myself into a routine. 
I want to try and get myself into a routine of getting up early and fitting in my workouts in the morning and having time for breakfast before work. Its just me being alittle lazy, no other excuses.

2) Be in control of my eating.
Like I mentioned, I've felt like a bottomless pit this week and I've let it control what I've eaten. I need to get back my control of food and stop eating when Its not needed.

Thats it for this week. This coming week will be all about getting in control of both my eating and my exercise. It's very much needed.

I hope everyone has had a great week and weekend.

Until Next Time!

Ever get those days when you literally just don't feel full? 
Do you have a set routine that you stick to during the week?

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  1. I have those types of days also. When I do any type of strength training, that is when I notice it the most. I hate those days because nothing seems to make me full.
    Whenever I make a routine, it seems to get messed up. I just try to work out 5 days a week. I usually wake up and decide what I will do that day. Sometimes it's a class at the gym or I run outside if the weather is nice.


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