
Surgery // Belly Button Issues, 2 Week Check-up & First Shower


As a pre-warning, this post may contain graphic images from surgery post operative that some readers may not want to see.

Hi Everyone and Happy Friday!

I'm checking in with an update on post-op surgery life and how I've been getting on this week.

Pain wise, I've been absolutely fine, other than a couple of quick sharp pains(believed to be nerves re-attaching), I've been pain free. I have however, been very itchy under my garments which is driving me crazy as there is no way for me to relieve it. If you have tips for relieving itchy-ness, I'd greatly appreciate it!

On Wednesday, I noticed a weird smell coming from somewhere, I couldn't pin exactly where it was coming from until I had Phillip check. The smell was coming from my Belly Button and I for sure thought that it was infected.

I called my Aftercare clinic(who were closed) and then Dolan Park for advice. I had no other Infection symptoms except for a bad smell so they told me to hold off on removing any dressings and see a GP or my aftercare clinic nurse ASAP. I had an appointment at the GP the next day, so I phoned to ask for another appointment to be done after my first.

I had my blood test (to check my hemoglobin levels after the transfusions at the hospital) and then went to get my BB checked. Fortunately, the nurse said she didn't think it was infected, just smelly from dried blood, so she cleaned the area (much to my disgust and screwed up faces ;) ).

I had my post op appointment early this morning, the nurse re-checked my belly button, she too said that she didn't think it was infected, cleaned the area again and re-dressed it for now.

All other dressings on my incisions were removed and cleaned, the dressings are now off permanently and I'll share pictures at the end.

I had a shower after I got back home. It was eventful to say the least. First off, I needed help to wash myself as I didn't get one of those long handle loofas. Phillip is heavy handed, so there was no way he was helping. I ended up having Phillips Mum help me get washed in the shower.

I managed to get clean, but just as I was about to wash my hair, I went TOTALLY dizzy and faint, thought I was gonna pass out and had to scramble out of the shower to sit down somewhere. Absolutely horrible feeling. Not quite sure why it happened, maybe too much exertion, got too hot? no idea but not pleasant.

I didn't get back in the shower to do my hair but it is still fairly clean so it will be OK till I try to shower again.

So that's how this week has been for me. Not much done other than sitting around recovering  and going to some appointments.

I'll leave you with some pictures for week 2.

The swelling is very much getting on my nerves, currently. I'm still extremely pleased with the results and would take this any day over the loose skin that I had to deal with before but the swelling definitely plays with the mind. It can take months for the swelling to go down and to see proper results so I just have to be patient.
Maybe its the angle or maybe not, but the picture on the right makes me look pregnant. :/

Hopefully next week I will have more news that I am able to share with you, otherwise it will be a pretty boring update. I have no post-op appointment next week, my next is at the one month mark.

I hope everyone has a fab weekend if I don't get to speak to you before then.

Until Next Time! 

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  1. Your results are coming along good. I hope you have better luck with your next shower. Just take it real slow and hopefully you that will not happen again. As for as the swelling, I can relate to that. After I had my hysterectomy, my stomach was so swollen. It took a couple of weeks before it was back to normal. I think the meds for anesthia plays a big part in making the body swell up like that.

    Hope you continue to heal and get back to your normal routines.

  2. I found this very interesting because I really want to have an augmentoplexy (breast lift and implants). Reading your story has provided some insight.


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