Summary Sunday


Been a while since I did one of these posts, probably since before Christmas  I liked doing these posts, it gave me a summary of what I'd done during the week and what my plans are for the next week ahead. So I've decided to continue with them.

Monday -  Gym - 40 minutes running, 20 mins stationary bike, 5 minutes cool-down walk.
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday - Gym - 43 minutes running, 17 mins stationary bike, 5 mins cool-down walk.
Thursday - Gym -  20 minutes running, 15 mins incline walking, 25 mins cross trainer.
Friday - REST
Saturday - Gym - 23 mins running, 20 mins stationary bike, 20 mins incline walking.
Sunday - Gym - 21 mins stationary bike, 35 mins cross trainer, 15 mins incline walking.

5/7 workout days this week. Pretty happy with that. I thought it was only 4 days till I looked back on MFP and saw my workouts.

I'm trying to do 2 days working out and then 1 day rest and repeat and it seems to be working OK so far and it is more than doable.

Food has been OK this week, breakfast was probably the worst meals for this week. I've been pretty lazy with my breakfasts so I haven't had time to prep anything before work. So, Instead of proper breakfast, I've been having either banana or a breakfast bar and a Snackajack and a cup of tea.

I had my lunches all planned out.. Well, pre-bought on the weekend. I had tins of soup as it was freezing and some bread to go with it.

Dinner again was good, the meals were healthy enough. Had Omelettes after the gym when we (me and boyfriend) weren't in the mood to cook full meals. If Omelettes weren't on the cards, we had chicken, vegetables and potatoes/waffles or swapped out the chicken.

Snacks for this week were OK too. I either had a Snackajack or some Special K chips.

So.. I think I've done OK food wise this week.

Goals for Next Week:
So, like I did the last time I did these type of posts.. I will be setting mini goals for the week. The following week, I will review goals and set new ones if appropriate.

So onto the goals..
1) Try to stick to the schedule of 2 workout days and 1 day rest this week.
2) Finish reading NROLFW book so I can start strength training.
3) DRINK MORE WATER. I'm gonna buy a bottle/glass that will encourage me to drink more water during the week. I bought some cordial as I don't like drinking plain water.

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