Summary Sunday


Monday - 3.2 miles - Zombies, Run! Mission 1
Tuesday - REST
Wednesday -  20 mins intervals on treadmill, 35 mins cross trainer, 5 mins stationary bike.
Thursday - REST
Friday - 35 mins cross trainer, 20 mins incline walking, 10 mins bike.
Saturday - 6.35 miles
Sunday - 7.1 miles

Not bad during the week days... but once it got to the weekend it was pretty downhill from there.. I had my boyfriend and his mum constantly nagging me to make cookies for them.. Of course.. I said yes, naively thinking that I would stay away from them.

Obviously not. I had 1-2.. and maybe a few more than that. They were absolutely delicious.. I just couldn't stop.

So yeah.. Graze Box has been keeping me good snacking wise during the week but weekends are lethal.

Goals set for Last Week:

1) Up Water In-Take this week - 8 Glasses a day.

2) Run on my days off from the Gym. Use them for Speed/Interval Runs.

Sigh... I just have nothing to say. Why do I bother making goals when Im hardly making the effort to stick to them. I've had this water goal for 2 weeks now and I still haven't done anything about it.  I do it at the beginning of the week and then I stop.

I think I need a constant reminder somewhere at work. I might stick a post-it on my monitor at work to remind me to drink.

I went running on Monday as I didn't go to the gym.. but then I took Tuesday off as a rest day.. so I obviously wasn't going to meet my goal.

I have a plan for this week though and this will also be a goal for this week.

Goals for Next Week:

1) Stick to this weeks plan set out below..

I will be going to the gym Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays and I will be Zombie Running on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then that leaves me with my long runs on Saturday and Sundays as usual.

and for number 2) ... Water. Again.

Not much else to say about this. Third Time Lucky?

So that's it for this week.. Does anyone have any tips for making sure you drink your water everyday?

Laura x

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