Summary Sunday


First off..

Happy Father's Day to my Wonderful Daddy and all the other daddies out there.

Now onto the real reason for this post :)

Monday - Squat and Ab Challenge - 105 squats, 40 situps, 38 crunches, 33 sec plank, 20 pushups
Tuesday - Squat and Ab Challenge - 110 squats, 42 situps, 47 crunches, 35sec plank, 21 pushups
Wednesday - 3.5 miles
Thursday - 3.5 miles running & Squat and Ab Challenge - 120 squats, 50 situps, 65 crunches, 40sec plank, 24 pushups
Friday - Squat and Ab Challenge - 125 squats, 54 situps, 74 crunches, 50sec plank, 25 pushups
Saturday - 5.15 miles running & Squat and Ab Challenge - 130 Squats, 57 Sit-ups, 83 Crunches, 27 Kneeling Push-ups, 55 sec Plank
Sunday -  6.3 miles

I would say another good week for exercise. The Squat and Ab challenge that I'm doing is making sure that I have done at least SOME sort of activity every day. On the days I didn't do the challenge for rest days, i ran instead.

So I'm pretty happy with my week of workouts.

One of the those weeks where I can safely say that I think I've done pretty well with my eating. Breakfast has been a bowl of cereal, nothing special. Lunches have been changed and I'm not eating Ryvita Crispbread with Philadelphia cheese and ham slices. YUM! Snacks have been pretty healthy, I've been having my Graze boxes as usual.

Dinners have been good and fairly healthy.. snacking has been reduced at home, I've steered clear of Biscuits and Proper sweets during the week. Had a treat on the weekend. Been having lots more water to keep me satisfied when I think I'm hungry and I've been eating more fruits.

Overall a good week of eating I would say.

Goals Set for Last Week:
1) Stay AWAY from Biscuit and Sweets.

Ooof.. I'm on a roll with the goals set these past few weeks. I was able to stay away from the biscuits and Sweets for at least the weekdays. Weekends I had a treat or two but that was it.

I feel better in myself for not having as many and I've been replacing them with water when I feel hungry so that's an extra bonus.

Goals for Next Week:

1) Run at least twice through Mon-Fri
This will probably be on Wednesday and Thursdays and in the mornings as I like to keep my afternoons free.

With the TNLAR coming up in the next couple of weeks, I want to try and give it the final push to build up some speed for the 5 mile run.

I'll be using the Zombies, Run! App as a type of HIIT training for these runs. Hopefully the weather holds up.

2) Stretch, Stretch, Stretch!
My hamstring/leg part behind the knee has been causing me some discomfort on my runs lately.. sometimes to the point where I'm practically limping the rest of the way home.

I need to start stretching more, I tend to neglect the stretching after my run and don't do so much of it. This needs to change and hopefully it will help.

Do set yourself goals and challenges to help aid you and keep you accountable?

What types of Goals do you set yourself?

Laura x

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