Summary Sunday


Monday - REST
Tuesday - Squat and Ab Challenge - 200 squats, 84 situps, 155 crunches, 95sec plank, 46 pushups
Wednesday - Squat and Ab Challenge - 210 squats, 86 situps, 164 crunches, 100sec plank, 49 pushups
Thursday - 3.13 miles & Squat and Ab Challenge - 225squats, 90 situps, 173crunches, 105sec plank, 52 push-upsFriday - 2.35 miles
Saturday - 6.1 miles
Sunday -  6.3 miles

Not a bad week for exercise again. Four days of running, 3 days of squats and abs It would have been 5 days of squats and abs but I stopped due to issues with my hamstring. Ever since starting the squat challenge I've had issues with my hamstring during running so I decided to stop doing them and see what happens.

Food for the most party has been fairly healthy this week. Slacking slightly over the last few days but it always seems to over the weekend. It's not been bad choices.. It just could be better..

Goals Set for Last Week:

1)Pay more attention to my blog/social media accounts
Oops. A grand total of 2 posts this week n clouding his one. Not good. I need to try a little harder on this one. I have some good poss that I am currently writing and have my thinking cap on so there will be more posts coming throughout the week.

Goals for Next Week
So... My goal for next week..

1) Start the Blogilates Beginner Calendar and do everything assigned.

I've decided I'm going to start doing the blogilates workout calendar. I've been watching and reading Casseys blog and videos for ages and always wanted to try her videos. Now is the time.

She recently made the beginner calendar for people new to blogilates so it will hopefully ease me into the exercises.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping it will be something I will enjoy and will be able to stick to.

Weigh in tomorrow.. I don't know what to expect.. 

Laura x

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