
What I Ate Wednesday - Holiday Edition


I'm back for What I Ate Wednesday and I'm linking up with Jenn at Peas and Crayons.As I promised, this What I ate Wednesday is going to be a holiday edition.

Obviously, I don't know exactly what went into the meals.. But they seemed like fairly healthy choices to me and there were far worse options on the menu in each of the restaurants we went to.

So.. In order of the numbers on the picture above.
1) This was a Nachos dish from the Mexican restaurant. It was definitely very yummy.. But not very healthy but it seemed like the best dish on the menu.
2) This was my main meal for the Romantic Meal that Phillip booked whilst we were on holiday. It was Beef Tenderloin and Lobster with veggies and a bit of mashed potato. I've never tried Lobster before.. Although I've heard it's very expensive to have here in the UK. It was good but not something I would pay lots of money for in the UK. I don't think I was missing out.
3) This was a chicken Stir Fry from the Chinese Restaurant. Had more veggies includes than chicken and was nice and filling.
4) This was at the live cooking Japenese restaurant.. There was WAY too much here.. But I did try some of each, there was Chicken, Beef and Sushi Stir Fry, all were lovely.. And then a big bowl of rice. Just too much for the meal.
5) This was in the French restaurant, I had this twice during my stay. It was  big piece of Chicken breast with pear. I can't remember hat the sauce was. Also had some veggies and a bit of mashed potato.
6) Another from the French restaurant at the hotel and was Teriyaki Salmon with roasted veggies underneath. I've never had salmon before so I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this so much.
7) This was from the Steak House Restaurant. Not a healthy choice.. But I couldn't be perfect all the time. It was sausages and ribs with corn on the cob and a small jacket potato.
8) This was a risotto dish. I've never had risotto before so I didn't know what to expect. I still don't actually know what it is but it tasted like mushed up rice. This was quite cheesy and I didn't enjoy it all too much. I'm sure a different flavour would totally change my mind.
9) This was a heart shape chocolate casing that was filled with a variety of different fruits. We had it on the night that I got engaged. It was lovely, but I definitely couldn't finish it all.. Even with the help of Phillip.

So... That's just some of my eats for my evening meals during our stay.

Breakfast and lunch meals weren't very spectacular so I didn't take any pictures of these meals. I had either oats and fruits or sometimes pancakes or waffles for breakfast. Sometimes I fancied something more savoury and had poached eggs with toast.

Lunches varied depending on where we were around the hotel and was either sandwiches we made ourselves or hotdogs or burgers.. 

As you can see, dinner was probably my most healthiest meal of the day.

Do you restrict yourself of certain foods whilst you're on holiday? I just had the attitude that I wouldn't be eating this when I got back home so I didn't restrict myself of anything

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