
What I Ate Wednesday - #13


Happy Hump Day, Lovely People!

I'm sure you've all be SO excited to see what I've been eating this week so I won't keep you waiting.

Breakfast: Oat Burst Gingerbread Porridge with Almond Milk
Lunch: Tesco Finest Pea and Ham Soup with 3 slices of 50/50 bread
Dinner: Wholegrain Rice with Green Thai Curry sauce and Chicken Breast
Snacks: Yogurt Coated Strawberry Flakes, Peach Danio Yogurt, Fruit and Grain Apple Bar.
Drinks: Tesco Instant Hot Chocolate with Light Whipped Cream and Cocoa Sprinkles

As you can see, I'm still addicted to having Porridge and Soup for my Breakfast and Lunches at the moment with the cold weather.

Me and Phillip have TONNES of boxes of different porridge in the kitchen at the moment whilst the different ones are on offer in different supermarkets. I have yet to actually come across a porridge that I don't like which is good.

As always, thanks to Jenn over at Peas and Crayons for hosting the linkup. You can check out all the other ladies and Gents posts below:

Any foods that you stock up on in bulk when you see offers?

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