
Weigh In and What I Ate Wednesday #14


-0.8 lbs
-15.8 lbs since January 1st.
-122.8 lbs since starting weight.

Current Weight: 135.4lbs

Yay, for Yo-Yo Time!
In all seriousness.. This is a good thing, My weight has continued to go up and up since I started maintaining, its been going up and down or staying the same but always between the same few pounds so I am happy about that.

I am going to keep this part short and sweet as there isn't much else to say and I have a whole other section to cover today too!

Annnnd now on to what I've been eating..

I skipped the post last week as food was just getting repetitive and you didn't really need to have a repeat post of the same thing. This week I've got something different for you.

So, we went to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire on Monday night. AMAZEBALLS.

Usually, when we go to the cinema, we make it a proper night out and we go out for a meal so that's exactly what we did. We went to a pub called Hungry Horse, we've been there before, it was pretty good.

Ever since I want to Hungry Horse for the first time, I've been in-love with their sizzling skewers.. so It was no surprise to anyone else as to what I got..

Breakfast: Alpen Porridge - Maple and Pecan with Almond Milk.
Lunch: Supernoodles - Chicken Flavour
Dinner: Sizzling Chicken Skewers with Peanut Satay, Chips and Onion Rings.
Drinks: Usual water and a Hot Chocolate.

Ok, so breakfast is my usual porridge, I don't think that's going to change for a while as I like it whilst the weather is chilly. 
Lunch.. I actually thought it was a good idea at the time.. I thought.. yeah, great.. I'll have noodled for a change instead of soup. NO. I don't think I'm going to be having noodles again.. they're not appealing.
Dinner, as I mentioned. Was sizzling chicken skewers with a peanut sauce. It was delicious, but very filling as there were grilled peppers and such underneath. I only ate about half the chips and an onion ring too.

There was NO dessert for me and no popcorn or treats in the cinema as I was absolutely stuffed.

Thanks, as always, to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting this. If you like posts like this, go on over to her blog and check out the other entries.
What was the last film that you saw at the cinema?
Have you seen Catching Fire? What did you think?

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