
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday!

This week has been a little more relaxed but still fairly stressful at work. Today was fairly busy as it was a race day and I feel like I've hardly stopped, but other than that, it's been pretty good.
Cycling - Only went on the one bike ride this week. With the race upcoming, I didn't want to do too much and tire my legs. We ended up doing a 13.35 mile bike ride into town and back.. and it was raining too, which sucked!

Running - As per my training schedule, I've done my 4 runs for this week, although training was tweaked very slightly this week. Check out Week 1, Week 2, & Week 3. And you'll be able to see my Training Diary for week 4 tomorrow.

Swimming - Gosh! SO much hard work in these new classes! The warm-ups are practically like a full class for beginners. 4 Front Crawl.. 4 Back Stroke x 2 - Eeek!

I really need to work on improving my stamina and endurance with swimming as i still have to take a little breather between each length to get my breath back. It's pretty annoying!

Yoga - I've been doing my poses as usual this week  and I've been spending a bit more time on my mat after work to relieve stress. Not everyday - but working on it!

Walking - As always, I've been walking daily this week. My usual morning, lunch and evening walks, plus little walks here and there in between and some 'stomping' at the end of the day to get my step count up for GCC(in other words, marching on the spot ;))

Here's what a typical week of walking looks like for me for those that are interested:
Swimming and Cycling have step conversions that are shown in Blue and Grey. I'm averaging about 26,000 steps per day atm just through walks and some stomping.

Getting there! Compared to last week, my food has been SO much better this week than last. Better meal choices - actual lunches! I'm back on my salads this week which has been lovely and I've been having porridge for breakfast too - though - I might have to give Overnight Oats a whirl as I'm really struggling to eat hot breakfasts in the morning and really want something cooler.

Snacking has been less - and more healthy this week - Nakd bars/bites are back in the equation and I've found some lovely popcorn that's low in calories, so that's been great!

I also bought a bunch of fruit from Aldi(as its SO cheap!) and I've been snacking on that throughout the day too.

Plan For Next Week
I mentioned last week about getting on the mat for some more Yoga this week and I've definitely been doing that, just not as much as I would like. With work being quite a stressful environment, it's nice to come home, get on the mat and just zone out for a while. Some days is better than none I suppose and the evening walks are helping to chill me out too.

Obviously, as I mentioned above, my food has been way better this week than last which fulfilled my goal of making better choices this week.

Goal for next week? Film a damn Youtube Video! - I so want to get back into Youtube but being strapped for time doesn't help. Since life away from work has been less stressful this week, I should be able to find the time to film a new video this week - if all goes to plan - it will be up before I write my post for next week.


In case you missed it, here is the blog posts I wrote this week:
Tell me, How was your week? What did you get up to?

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