
Sum It Up.. Sunday!


Happy Sunday, Everyone! Hope you've all had a great week. This week has actually been really great for me. I managed to complete my juice cleanse and also went to visit my family in Preston this week which was lovely.
Running -  I ran twice this week. Not what I hoped for, but a run is a run and it was better than not getting out for one at all. I wasn't able to run at the beginning of the week due to doing the juice cleanse and then I was travelling to and from my parents on two of the days which left only 2 other days to run on. I'll update more in my training diary post tomorrow, but next week will be back to normal.

Well, I did the Juice Cleanse for 3 days at the beginning of this week, so that consisted of only juices and no foods. After the juice cleanse, I noticed quite a significant difference in my hunger levels and it took quite a while for me to become hungry after the cleanse.
My juices from Monday-Wednesday. I'll have both a blog and vlogs going up about it :)
I'm back on track, I managed to keep things in check whilst I was at my parents for the rest of the week. We did eat out a few times whilst we were there. However, I was able to recognise my hunger levels whilst I was out and stopped eating as soon as I felt full - this meant stopping in between a meal so that I didn't overeat. When we did eat out - I would have something smaller for my next meal or nothing at all because I was still full.. so there's been a massive change in my appetite which was what I was looking for on the cleanse.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how everything has gone this week. I think I'm finally back in control!

Plan For Next Week
So, now that the juice cleanse is over and done with, it's time to get back to normal again. Training will start up again this week, I need to do some food shopping tomorrow to get bits and pieces for the week.

I'll be starting home workouts again as of tomorrow. I've got a kettle bell workout already planned for tomorrow so I can get right on to it!

I also want to keep on top of my water intake this week. I know I'll be retaining a bit of water after this weekend and meals out. Meals out are usually quite high in sodium and I tend to retain a bit of water afterwards, so drinking more water will help with that.

I've got all the pieces for my plan next week, I just need to put them all into action :)
Here's a couple of my posts that have gone up in the last few weeks since I did my last Sum It Up.. Sunday, maybe you missed them:
WestRun London // Training Diary // Week 2 Recap

Question: Do you plan everything for the week ahead of schedule? or wing it?

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  1. Love it! You are inspiring me to get organised. I plan by making to-do lists and then lose the lists and the plan goes to pot. I need a better system!


  2. @Lauretta I actually have a white board and a cork board above my desk at home to write everything on so I see it whenever I pass it. It really helps to have something clear and pretty much in your face when you're planning :)

  3. And you can't lose a white board either ;-). Great idea - thanks Laura!

  4. @Lauretta Exactly! :) Not a problem,hope it helps! :) x


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