
Weekly Recap #24


I've slipped more this week with regards to exercise, but slightly redeemed myself with food choices and my to-do for this week so I suppose there's some sort of balance in there somewhere!

Swimming - I managed my swimming lesson this week but again, didn't do any other swim sessions. The swimming lesson was good this week and I was knackered by the time I finished. We did a lot of drills within the session and I seemed to make some decent progress. I mentioned this on my Instagram post.. but the problem I think I was having is that I was so focused on ensuring that I was close to everyone else and not too far behind when I really should just be focusing on my own progress.

I found during a few of the drills, that the more I slowed down and focused on the technique and the drills themselves, the better I was. I wasn't getting out of breath trying to keep up with people and I was actually keeping up MORE when I slowed down the technique. So I just need to keep baring that in mind each week!
A bit more swimming during the week would also help. Getting in the pool just once a week isn't good enough!

Running - I ran just twice this week. A 5 miler earlier in the week and a short 2 miler on Friday. My motivation is seriously lacking this week and it's worried me slightly as I need to start training in preparation for races next week. Hopefully I'll just snap out of it and a training schedule will get me back in the rhythm.

Though.. I always tend to struggle with being motivated at this time of the year as it's been miserable out.. but I needn't have an excuse for swimming and cycling as thats inside!

Not a bad week for eats to be fair. As I mentioned in last weeks post, I wanted to try and reign in the snacking a bit more and stop with the Christmassy treats.. at least until the weekend.

Breakfast, Lunches and Dinners all week were pretty good with the exception of Friday. Friday was a Christmas Dinner with my work colleagues, we had a Starter, Main and Dessert - However, I actually didn't have any dinner that night when I got home as I was still full! So all in all it hasn't been a bad week.

Weekends is where it slips slightly as I'm more likely to have treats over the weekend as it's around for me to have. Im working on the willpower and restraint! 

I had one blog post up this week, one less than I wanted but one more than last week, so thats a positive! I've got 2 blog posts already written an scheduled for next week so I'm ahead of the game, wohooo! For now, you can tuck in to my last post!
Monthly Stats // December '16 // Getting My Old Self Back

Yogi Tea*! - I've had and drunk these for a while.. then I got a little Christmas Present from them with a selection of their teas and it couldn't have come at a more perfect time after last weeks post where I said I needed to drink more. There were some new teas I've not tried before but haven't got round to trying yet, so will do next week! Not sure if any of them will take the place of the Choco Tea, but we will see! :) - You can find Yogi Tea HERE.
So, last week I had the following set for my to-do of the week:

-  Drink More! - I think I've actually done pretty well this week with regards to drinking more. I've broke back out my water bottle and I've tried to drink at least most of a 900ml bottle, though I must say, I'm deffo not a fan of drinking cold things when its cold out so drinking water is pretty difficult. I have been having more tea - but I've been trying to stray from having too much normal tea with milk and lattes and instead trying to have flavoured tea instead like the Yogi Tea I mentioned above.

- Be concious of food choices - I think I did OK food wise this week. I've managed to reign in the christmassy treats and limited it to a few this weekend but was rather good during the week so I'm pretty happy with that.

So, for next week:
Start half marathon training! - I'm 12 weeks out from my first half marathon of next year.. and about 8ish weeks until my first 10k and I really want to get in some proper training next year.. none of this half arsed stuff! Especially if I want to take on a Triathlon next year.. I have to get serious about training.

So, I've got a training plan in progress that I'll complete and then have a post go up about it over the next week. Keep an eye out for it!

* Disclaimer: I received the YogiTea bundle for free. As always, my opinion is my own and is not affected by items gifted to me. 
Question: Do you have any races or events you're training for? When do you start training? are you a tea or coffee drinker?

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  1. Oooh good luck with the half marathon training! Very exciting :-)


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