
Monthly Stats // January '17


Super late with this post! My posts got a little out of sync due to the days that the New Year fell on and the priority of some posts. Somehow, this slipped through the net and I forgot to write up. I've taken my weight, measurements and progress pictures, you'll see them below, but I expected some of the changes that are seen and Im not very worried about them due to it being after Christmas!

I totally expected this. Christmas Indulgences not too much exercise over Christmas due to being ill, I saw it coming a mile away. It's not as bad as I thought to be honest. Moving on, weight is not the be all and end all, I can get it back off()! ;)

Last Months Weight: 162.2 lbs
This Months Weight: 165.2 lbs
Difference in Weight:  + 3 lbs
Total lbs lost since my highest weight: 92.6 lbs

Change in measurements this week, again, I expected it. I gained an inch on my waist and stomach. It sucks, but it's fine! I just need to put in the work to lose those gained inches.

Also, I must admit, whilst my arm measurements haven't changed(I have quite a bit of loose skin/bingo wings), I have noticed(or maybe Im paranoid), that my arms have sort of 'filled out' a little. I don't like it. I need to do some weights! 

Last Months Plans:
Last month, I didn't set any sort of actions to do and instead, I talked about preparing myself mentally for the new year. I officially got sick of saying that I was going to try and lose weight each month but not actually really doing anything about it.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to make any progress last month due to the holidays. I was not about to restrict myself during the festive period. I wanted to enjoy myself and the time I had with my family over Christmas. I've done that, Christmas is now over and done with and I'm pretty sure Im now mentally read to kick ass this month!

This Months Plan:
I  officially decided in the new year that I was going back to calorie tracking, I've been tracking since the beginning of the year and it's been going really well for me, so I'll continue that for the rest of the month.

Calorie tracking is NOT for everyone, some find it too obsessive but I've found that it's helping me be more mindful about my eating habits, it's definitely making a difference. I'll update you next month with how it went.

Exercise has been on track since the new year, so nothing really needs to change there, I think calorie tracking is enough to keep me occupied for this month and we'll set some new small mini goals next month when I check back in.

I definitely think I've got myself into a better mindset this month. Maybe it's my new guiding word.. you can check out the post HERE if you missed it.

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  1. I LOVE that you're writing out your actions of the month. It's such a great idea! Do you personally carry with you a planner as well?

  2. @Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy | th Thanks Linda, I find it helps keep me on track. I have a Bullet Journal, so I track everything in there :)

  3. I know some people are against calorie counting, but it really helps. I'm using it now too, because I have a challenge this month where I really need to hit some numbers and I'll use all the tools that I can. It also helps you figure out portion sizes and how many calories some things have even if we don't expect it. Here's my January plan: http://www.pennyplainfit.co.uk/single-post/2017/01/05/January-goals-with-PIIT28-and-DietBet
    Good luck to us both :)

  4. Great job! I find that meal planning for me is key to eating well. If I let myself get hungry, I reach for chips, chocolate or sometimes, both. Keep up the great work!


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