
Training Diary #23 // Cambridge Half Training - Week Six & Seven


Missed two training diaries due to having new years on a Monday where my training diary fell.. and to be honest.. there wasn't much to say about last weeks or this weeks training so I may as well have fit it into two.

I always like to fill in a training diary anyway, so I have a way to document my training, regardless of whether the week went badly. So, here goes..

Activity: Run | Distance: 6.01 miles | Time: 1:03:49 | Pace: 10:38 min/mi

Christmas day run with Phillip, his mum and the dogs. Half off road and half on road. It was a lovely crisp morning and the roads were completely empty which was nice.
The rest of the week was spent resting and eating mostly with not much of anything else.

Activity: Run | Distance: 8.6 miles | Time: 1:29:28 | Pace: 10:24 min/mi

You'll notice there's two 8.6 mile runs this week. I hadn't intended on that but since it was new years day, we put off our long run on the Sunday and instead headed out on the Monday instead.
This run didn't really go too well. Right from the off, I felt really sluggish and my calves and shins were feeling quite sore. We headed out to Burghley house, we'd never been there before so went on an exploration run. The estate grounds are absolutely beautiful, lots of tracks to run around, it'd be good for loops and adding mileage.

I did have to stop on the way home to stretch out my calves which did seem to ease it slightly.. Turns out we ran too much around Burghley house that we ended up adding extra mileage on and what was supposed to be 7 miles ended up at 8.6.
The last mile was horrible and my hips and groin were really complaining, had to do plenty of stretching when I got home.

Activity: Run | Distance: Bike Commute - Distance 2 miles each way

Not much to really say about these commutes except for the commute on Thursday which ended in tears. Some motorists are such idiots on the road when it comes to cyclists. Despite having lights on my bike, my helmet and a bright reflective backpack, indicators on my helmet and my arm out, I almost got took out by a car trying to overtake me as I was heading into a slip road to a side street off the main road.
Activity: Run | Distance: 8.6 miles | Time: 1:31:13 | Pace: 10:36 min/mi

Absolute nightmare of a run.. all thanks to Phillip. I had originally planned an out and back route for simplicity on a long run, I knew roughly where our turn around point would be. We had planned on 7 miles and it certainly didn't turn out that way. Near the halfway point, Phillip had seen a public byway through a field and wanted to explore for a bit of a change of scenery. I wasn't so sure. We're still relatively new to the area so I hate exploring with the possibility of getting lost.
After passing through one field, we met a farmer who gave us some friendly advice of where we could run up to.. we ran through a few fields until we hit the road. I advised Phillip that we should turn back as the sun was setting and he was adamant that google maps would take us back home if we kept following the road. Muddy tracks, fields and a lodge later.. we ended up on a MAIN road.. with it getting dark.. I was getting tired, we'd hit 7 miles and wasn't sure how far we were off home.

Luckily, we found a side road to take after a mile or so and finally made it back safely but I was SO mad at Phillip and definitely won't be trusting him again to lead the way!


I need to get back on track with the running.. I will be back to Run Commutes this week and I'll be heading out a little earlier on our Long Runs to make sure that if we ever get lost again, we won't ever be in that position again!

3 runs in two weeks definitely isn't what I planned, but the holidays and festivities always seem to get in the way!

Let's get back on track!

Question: Have you ever gotten lost on a run? Ever had a near miss when cycling before?

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  1. haha... yes I have gotten lost on a run. I was with a group that was much faster with me. I had no idea where they were or where I was. I fell too so I was bloody. LOL... it was a mess but somehow they caught me on the way back. Thank God or I could still be out there... As far as holiday workouts... yikes me too!


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