Summary Sunday


Monday - Blogilates Beginner Calendar - Day 8
Tuesday - Blogilates Beginner Calendar - Day 9
Wednesday - 3.1 miles + 
Blogilates Beginner Calendar - Day 10
Thursday - 3.22 miles + Blogilates Beginner Calendar - Day 11
Friday - Blogilates Beginner Calendar - Day 12
Saturday - 6.55 miles + long walk into town
Sunday -  3.64 miles + 2 dog walks + Blogilates Beginner Calendar - Day 13

Exercise has been pretty good again this week. The blogilates workouts are keeping me active throughout the week so I've at least done some form of exercise everyday.

Food was good at the beginning of the week (See a pattern forming here..?) but sucked towards the end of the week.

Like I said, there's a pattern forming here. I always say how my week eats have been fairly good.. but then the weekend is severely lacking.

I need to be more consistent with this... and this is where my goals for this week come in.

Goals Set for Last Week:

1)Try not to have any extra sweets than what is needed.


As you may have already read. The end of my week was a bit of a fail. It happens ever week. My eating during the week isn't so bad, but weekends are always the same. Probably because I'm at home all day during the weekends unless Me and Phillip have gone out somewhere.. So every time I go downstairs I'm surrounded by some sort of food.

I had 'extra' sweets this weekend. I wont pretend like I met all my goals. I failed this one miserably. If this goal was purely for during the week.. I'd have done pretty well, but its not.

Goals for Next Week:
So... My goal for next week..

1) Focus on... and if need be, plan for this weekends eats.

I want to focus on this weekend and maybe plan my food and stuff to do during the day that will keep me occupied and less likely to eat.

I know that Saturdays are always a 'family' night for meal times.. and I always have dessert. I have never once restricted myself from anything during my weight loss journey and that's not about to change.. However, I can plan AROUND the dinner to make healthier choices.

I had an Ice-cream this weekend.. I didn't NEED it, but it was hot.. and at the time it fulfilled the hole I needed filled.

If its hot this weekend, which it probably will be... maybe I should make my own homemade ice-cream.. maybe make some ice lollies with fruit  juice.. a healthier alternative.

I'm going to have a look on Pinterest for ideas and plan for the weekend ahead. Hopefully all goes well and I don't snack or eat as much. Time will tell. I'll fill you in next weekend!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely warm weather! I love that it has warmed up here in the UK, but I am TOTALLY not loving the overly stuffy rooms.. its like trying to fall asleep in a sauna.. Sweaty and Horrible.

Do you have problems with staying track on the weekends? Any tips for staying in control?

Laura x

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